Toning up and losing the last 10 pounds.....advice welcome!

Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I am about 10 pounds from my goal and looking for suggestions on exercises to finish toning and tightening loose skin. I have lost 54 pounds so far, and my skin has done pretty well, but I have loose skin on my stomach, inner thighs and back of upper arms.

I am keeping up with my cardio exercises to keep the fat burning going, but would love suggestions or advice of exercises aimed towards toning.

Thanks so much!

Heading to Florida in 3 months and 4 days, so want to be bikini ready! :happy:


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Hard to believe, but YOGA works wonders. For some of us (myself) I don't think some of the flab will ever go away, but when doing yoga I noticed a tremendous improvement in all the areas you mentioned.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    you are awesome!!!!

    honestly, this might be a little controversial, but I would suggest doing only the recommended cardio (I think it's like 30min/day but double check) and do a little extra strength training. make sure you're focusing on alternating days between your problem areas, so one day abs, next day arms, next day thighs, and make sure you're using enough weight. I read that people who do a lot of cardio like marathon runners actually tend to lose a little muscle tone so maybe cut back to only what is beneficial (*cause cardiovascular toning leads to increased resistance to cancer, hypertension, diabetes). Also, make sure you sleep enough, and drink your water.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Good ideas so far, thanks! Keep them coming!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It took me forever to lose my last 10 until I started P90X. I'm not saying you have to start that particular program, but upping the strength training is what really did the trick for me. It also helped with the baby belly skin, (as my abs sort of filled and flattened out) which I am happy to say is now gone. I've also noticed a difference in the skin on my thighs. I think it must be because the muscle hold the skin so much smoother and nicer. I lost the last 10 in about 2 months I think with P90X and many inches all over. Strength training will actually help you burn the fat while you aren't even working out. Totally got me bikini ready. I never would have been ready for vacation without some kind of workout like that. Hope this helps!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks. I need to figure out what I can do for strength training out here at work. All I have are 3 lb and 5 lb hand weights and no access to big equipment. Great for arm work, but not so much for legs.
  • I have no suggestions for toning, as can be seen by the large amount of weight I still have to lose myself...but I thought I'd jump on here and just say I think you've done AWESOME and I'm super proud of you. You give me hope that I can do it too :D
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    For the P90X you only use dumb bells, (or bands) or no weight at all. It's a lot of squats and lunge type exercises. Jillian's No More Trouble Zones is the workout I did before P90X and it is a leg KILLER! It's an all over body workout, I just remember my legs burning more than anything else, they would burn for days. I've never worked my legs on any type of machines. I think if you google leg exercises or go to a women's fitness website you could find a lot of exercises that are geared for the home, (or work?) using only body weight or hand weights. I really think you could get great results with the equipment you already have or maybe adding a strength DVD. Good luck!!!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will be putting it all to a test over the next little while. I'll look for some strength DVD's too, but for now I have 30DS to work with, so I just need to stay motivated with that.
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