Getting Started

I am new to myfitness pal and hope that it will help me to get back on track to loosing weight. Loosing weight for me is daily struggle and most days feel like I'm loosing the battle. If anyone has any words of advice I would be happy to hear them.


  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    Hi - I'm the same, feel like I'm just making it up as I go along most of the time. I really think just by being here it'll help, just by talking to people who say they feel the same way you do. Tonight was my very first time posting and I've already had messages of support and someone added me as a friend, it's great! We're all here together.
  • sonya0708
    hi just started the program but i have been working out and eating better the last week an half and i have lost 5 lbs now
  • cacahuatita
    i'm not new
    but i´m starting again with my new life, i used to be thin, but after a sedentary life in 7 years i gain a lot of weight, so i wanna be a new me , almost as good as my old... old me :)
    i´m in a middle of a bet with my coworkers jojojo i hope i can be the biggest looser this month, the prize is a new wardrobe!!!! my weight day will be in february 10 :) wish me luck!!!!!
  • caseynk
    Thank really is nice getting responses from people and knowing other's truly know how I feel.
  • caseynk
    i'm not new
    but i´m starting again with my new life, i used to be thin, but after a sedentary life in 7 years i gain a lot of weight, so i wanna be a new me , almost as good as my old... old me :)
    i´m in a middle of a bet with my coworkers jojojo i hope i can be the biggest looser this month, the prize is a new wardrobe!!!! my weight day will be in february 10 :) wish me luck!!!!!

    Good Luck!!!!!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    It too me 6 months to finally start doing something, so I know how you feel. I have found making loads of mini goals helps me. maybe 2 or 3 a week.

    I also look for motivation in little things, like a shirt that was too tight on me already fits me better...that kind of thing.

    Good luck, we can all do it if we work hard enough at it :)

  • caseynk
    Options is very hard but am determined to do it. Best wishes.
  • sithlover13
    Hello! My mom showed me this website and today my office started a weight loss challege, so we got a team together and we're gonna win! I was always thin until I had my kids, and then all the sudden I weighed 230 pounds. I went gangbusters and lost 100 pounds in 9 months, but couldn't keep up the pace. It has taken me three years to gain 50 pounds of it back, so time to get back on track before all hundred come back! So glad to see so many people here who care about themselves enough to get healthy! Hope to see my work teammates on here soon!
  • Mumdula
    Hi, I am new to fitness pal and I was wondering if there are any other diabetics here. I also have high cholesterol and triglicerides so I am trying to watch my carbs and fat. Seems like there isn't much left out there to eat. I am just starting so I have a lot to learn. Help!