Humiliating at the very LEAST!!



  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    thank you to everyone who has responded. I really appreciate all the kind things you've said. You've all made me feel better. I'm going to contact my OB and see what can be done. Thankyou.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I think any woman that has had a baby can relate to some degree. Sneezing and coughing is the worst. I know someone who had triplets and had to have surgery to help with that problem. And she had a c-section. I've had 3 kids vaginally and kegals have helped alot but those big sneezes that just come out of nowhere are nightmares.

    I also had mine by c-section
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member

    I can't say enough how kegels have helped with this, anyone that has had a vaginal birth most likely has experienced this, or anyone with a significant amount of weght, I didn't notice until after my second and my doctor explained kegels to me and I still do them I figure a little kegel a day keeps the urine (and the smell) away.........:wink:
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I agree with the majority... see your doctor. I actually have this problem sometimes when I sneeze or cough, but not when jumping. I would highly recommend Poise pads. They are made for urinary incontinence, and they are small and not noticeable. You should be able to wear them when you exercise and they won't be seen, but they will keep you dry. They are made for this... so more absorbent than maxipads. Good luck!
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    I think it's pretty common for women to have similar issues after having babies. You might want to see a doctor though. I had a friend who had this kind of issue after she had a baby and the doctor told her they could repair the damage. Nothing to be embarassed about though!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I can so relate. I avoid intense jumping like the plague! I do think that it has improved since I have lost weight (just another benefit of weight loss). Recently I had a bad respiratory illness, probably the flu with terrible uncontrolable coughing. At the end of a couple of weeks of coughing, I swear I was peeing my pants all day long! In the end, I broke down crying to my husband I was so frustrated and disgusted. I'm a nurse, and I've seen a lot of stuff in my day, so I sort of look at this as a battle scar from child birth And try not to get to embarrassed about it, and you shouldn't either. I've been able to find plenty of exercises that don't involve jumping, and I don't really miss the jumping quite honestly. It's good to know there are others out there with the same issues. Maybe we should start a kegel support group! Feel better, and thanks for your honest post.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
  • aurorathunder
    It's common after childbirth to still leak when you jump or sneeze. However, if you're full on peeing your pants I would see a doctor. You could have a prolapsed bladder. Kegels will help strengthen the area, but you might actually require surgery. A friend of mine had the surgery and it really wasn't a big deal and it's helped her greatly.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    It's common after childbirth to still leak when you jump or sneeze. However, if you're full on peeing your pants I would see a doctor. You could have a prolapsed bladder. Kegels will help strengthen the area, but you might actually require surgery. A friend of mine had the surgery and it really wasn't a big deal and it's helped her greatly.

    Ditto!!!! I would definatly talk with your dr! *HUgs* sweetie!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    One word for you... KEGELS! And lots of'em!

    I agree 100%! Try them....they are the easiest exercise you can do :)
  • orange_avocado
    Wow, I wish my doctors had been as smart as you all are! I actually had this problem when I was a child - so clearly, not childbirth related. I grew up with frequent bladder infections and the same problem of not having any muscle control over needing to pee. I remember wetting my pants while jumping around with my girl scout troop at 11 years old and being SO embarrassed. Sometime around puberty I grew out of it, but to this day I have a hard time 'holding it' and need to actively concentrate. Kegels help, definitely. :)

    Thanks for posting this, everyone's answers here have actually helped relieve a bit of childhood trauma. And now I know what to watch out for when I *do* get pregnant!

    OH! And to answer your question about the 30DS Jumping Jacks, try looking around for people who have knee problems and have needed to do modified versions. I know in round 2 she says something about 'never showing a modified version' but there has to be something you could do. A word of caution though, the jumping seems to increase throughout the levels, so maybe this isn't the best exercise program for you?
  • CountryGal2
    CountryGal2 Posts: 3 Member
    You don't need to be embarrassed. This sounds like a medical problem. Your muscles have weakened. I suggest you talk with your doctor. Write a note if you don't think you want to say this aloud. I believe there are now solutions to this that can help you. Look on the mayo clinic website for more info. You don't have to live with this. You just need to be brave enough to talk to your doctor. Hope you get some help.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Nothing to be embarrassed about at all. LOTS of women have this problem. Go see your GYN. He/she will know what to do. Maybe a bladder tack, which is pretty common.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Thank you for bringing this up. I have the same issue with jumping and I honestly never thought to talk to my doctor. I just assumed that it was to be expected after having kids. You are very obviously not alone and you should feel no shame. Hugs! Now, let's all call our doctors or at least start a support group.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I wanted to reply but didn't read all the replies so if I am repeating others, sorry! I wanted to say my Physical Therapist friends specializes in this kind of thing so you could look at physical therapy, it might be embarrassing to you but it's her job and she knows how to help, don't be ashamed! also, if it's just a matter of time, I wonder can you do the jumping jacks from a plank position? that's even more muscle groups and you don't have the same jumping action?!
  • DigitalRain
    Have you consulted a physician? It may not be an issue of muscle control, but displacement of your uterus. It can be 'lifted' to relieve the pressure on your bladder. You can try do kegels to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. It may not be much of an improvement, but hubby will notice the

    I think the surgery is called pubovaginal sling. They use mesh to strengthen the pelvic floor. I work at a hospital that do this type of surgery frequently. Please check with your doc and see what your options are.
  • cassidystreasures
    Thank you for bringing this up. I have the same issue with jumping and I honestly never thought to talk to my doctor. I just assumed that it was to be expected after having kids. You are very obviously not alone and you should feel no shame. Hugs! Now, let's all call our doctors or at least start a support group.

    I agree on bring this up! Im 30 and having this problem. Last year for my OBGYN appt he had said my uterus was tilted, but while there never thought of mentioning my "leaks". So thanks to finding posts on her and knowing Im not the only one who we will say FLOODS with jumping jacks i now have a appt with someone in the uro ogist (how ever you spell it) on monday. Hopefully we will figure something out
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have four kids...after tons of kegals I can work out without wetting myself..

    Go talk to your doc..there are things they can do to fix this....
  • stacielynn1
    you may need a bladder sling. Its what urologist call where they basically lift ur bladder back up. Over time esp during long and intense labor your bladder can drop and if it does not correct itself then u need to seek help with a urologist and get your options!
  • ahhdebs
    ahhdebs Posts: 8 Member
    Consult a doctor, there is a simple procedure that will help you, and if you arnt a suitable candidate for the procedure i am sure that a doctor will give you options.
    I too had the problem, but i bought a little device to strengthen the muscles and wow it did the trick.
    Seek help hun.....don't suffer in silence XX HUGS XX