21 year old Grease loving College student

Hi Everyone,
My name is Jennifer or Jen for short. I work full time and go to college full time to obtain a degree in accounting. I am 5 foot 1 inch and currently weight 133. I want to get down to between 125 and 120lbs. I am actually a pretty active person. I love to get out and have fun. I also joined the gym a month ago and go 4 times a week. However, I have a slight problem with loving food. Maybe a little too much. I eat food just because and not because I am actually hungry. I have terrible portion control and do not want to end up becoming overweight like my dad's whole side of the family. I was very active growing up. I did martial arts for 10 years and even played basketball one year in middle school. Once the martial arts were not getting funded by my parents, I could not afford to pay for it myself and had to quit. My result was all my muscle became flappy and gross. My main goal is to tone up, but since my job is an office job, on top of the muscle going weak, I ended up gaining and additional 20 pounds from my original 120lb weight. Last year, I was able to lose 10lbs by becoming more active, but have now hit a wall and am stuck around the 130 mark. If I dont start controlling my portion sizes and what I eat, I will never weigh what I used to. So here I go! Wish me luck!


  • DoralisM
    Jen i totally understand... im in the same boat! I'm 5'1", 135lbs and work as a Receptionist sitting almost all day. I exercise 4 times a week but have a HUGE weakness for fries, ice cream, chocolates and other sweets. I'm trying to resist the temptations at work but its HARD. Plus Its extra hard eating right coming from the islands (Cuban/Jamaican), where we like to fry and season lots of stuff LOL. I want to go back to 120lbs when I was more active and used to go out dancing non-stop Fridays & Saturday nights. Good luck on your journey! Add me if u need a Friend =)
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    This is a great place to be! Good luck!
  • tanks
    tanks Posts: 9

    I just joined up myself. This site looks like the kind of place where you can take control and responsibility for what you eat. That is what my expectation is. I understand whre you are coming from, as a student my weakness was also my love for food. I regret not eating correctly at that time as i'm paying for it now. You are lucky as you have recognised this quite early. I wish you the best and remember that this community is here to support you.

    All the best.
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    You are in the right place for sure.......We are all here for the same goal......to lose the weight. I personally never thought I would be at a site for weight loss. Never had a problem with weight till the last year. I have a whole family of over weight/obese family members and I don't want that to be me. I stopped smoking for my health and than the weight crept up on me. I don't want 30 extra lbs. to become 40 lbs. etc....If you like fried foods start small and start frying in olive oil.....thats a start. Welcome and good luck!!!