Attempting to start again with a family and job

bergswoman Posts: 9
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I tried to do this last march and did okay for a few weeks and then fell away from it with my full time job and now 17mo old. It's very difficult for me to find time to make meals at home for lunch plus I don't even know how to begin cooking low cal and low fat. My husband is in school and also has a parttime job. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day for exercise too. I enjoy doing exercise and I know I'll feel better and have more energy I just don'e know how to find the time to do it. Any suggestions? I saw some of you talking about the p90 or whatever it was how long is a session usually?


  • Clean up the around the house or stuff that "kills two birds with one stone" small steps like taking over pumping the gas if your husband usually does it or giving your child/ren a bath, do stuff the hard way at home and work. Pick a machine that burns the most calories in the shortest amount of time, jillian michaels 30 day shred, simple, challenging and quick workout i highly reccommend it. Do you have a wii? those are good! Go for a run when you have time. Plan meals while your on an exercise machine. Utilize the internet for sites with healthy recipes and most of it is obvious, your mfp friends will help
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    It takes time and energy to get heavy...sitting around and eating takes up time! I bet your baby would love to play outside or go to the park. I work full time and so does my hubby,but he will watch the kids for a couple of hours so I can go work out. When there is a will there is a way! Good luck don't give up!
  • Clean! When I just can't seem to find five minutes to myself to do anything. I also work full time and have kids. I clean, I mop the floors, sweep, run the sweeper. Doing wash, washing the dishes. All of this burns calories. Try doing a solid thirty minutes of cleaning up around the house. Especially with a baby, I'm sure there are toys and all sorts of things around the house. This keeps your house clean also gives you a little bit of exercise too.

    As far as cooking, you don't have to always go low cal/fat free. I've been eating the same thing just MUCH smaller portions. I have a four year old and she has her own plates. I started using her plates at all meals. This doesn't give much room for a ton of food. I also measure everything out according to the suggested serving size on the things that I make. This keeping my calories down and watching all the food that I don't eat!!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I'm a full-time working mom, too, and I know how hard it is. Here are some of the workouts that work for me: 30 Day Shred (only 20 minute workouts that REALLY produces results), Wii (I can do it w/ my family and get a bit of a workout), my own elliptical trainer. Cooking: I do 1-2 crockpot meals a week. One of them is usually a LARGE batch of soup that will then provide leftovers for lunches for most of the week. Recipes that use beans, lentils, etc. stretch far, are a healthy protein, and are extremely economical. The Fix-It and Forget-It series of crock-pot cookbooks is my favorite...I just try to avoid the recipes that use fat and calorie laden condensed soups and excessive amounts of cheese. The South Beach Quick and Easy cookbook is fabulous for making healthy, fresh meals, fast. Many times I will double the recipe to provide the leftovers I need for lunches (I hate keeping things in the house to make a lunch...much easier to fill up a pyrex after dinner). Cooking Light is also a fabulous resource. My husband and I plan meals on the weekend, do all of our shopping, and try to take turns cooking (I definitely do most of it, and he usually does something simple like spaghetti). Feel free to send a friend request my way if you'd like more support!
  • I'm not trying to make excuses here but time is the problem. Hubby isn't going to be around much until May because he's in night classes. I only get to see my daughter as it is but maybe 3-4 hours a night. with the weather here going outside isn't an option
  • thanks so much! i'll try some of those!!
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