The 17 Day Diet: Day 4

Another day bites the dust...I am rockin' this thing! I got a good workout in and ate under my calorie goal. I'm actually finding it hard to eat that many calories. I'm not at all trying to starve myself or do it on purpose but I'm so full from eating my healthy stuff that I don't want to keep eating past the point of feeling full just get my calories in. The hubby gets home late on Thursdays so after I picked up our two boys I got them something to eat on the way home. I know that isn't the best idea but I really didn't feeling like cooking tonight!

After my dinner and bath tonight I noticed that I was really under my calories (still about 700 calories under :frown: ) so I ate half of a swiss cake roll. OMG it sure was good but I was fine without eating the other half. I suppose I could've found something else but that would've consisted of cooking and I'm feeling lazy's time to go grocery shopping for healthy snacks again!!

Well, I'll close for now. I hope you all are doing well and staying motivated in your journey.

Take care,
