Newbie :)

Hey there :) I'm obviously new to all of this, but super excited to find this site/app. I've always been semi heavy, I lost a good bit, then I started college, I always thought the whole "freshman 15" was crap, but boy was I wrong! It was more of a freshman 60 for me. Here I am in my sophomore/junior year and I'm terrified of what will happen if I let this continue. My downfall I guess you could say would be fast food. I'm on campus alllllllll day, so I more than likely eat there then hit a drive thru on the way home since I know I'll just be studying anyways. I have a goal of over 90 lbs. I also would love to hit 30 before the last week of March when I'll be attending a conference. It's a pretty big jump, but I have faith :) I'm open to any suggestions,, friends, etc. Thanks!


  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member

    I have at least 100 to lose, in a little over 2 weeks I have lost 11lbs so your goal of 30 by March is a good one :-). Just take it 1 day at a time and set small weekly goals. That's what I have been doing and I find it works well, I also use old clothes to help me, like a shirt that was too tight and now fits a bit better, I think its better than just relaying on what the scales say.

    Good Luck :-)

  • chelsey86
    Thank for the encouragement! I'm in denial and refuse to throw all my jeans that no longer fit away, so that's an excellent idea! Congrats, 11 lbs. in just over 2 weeks is fabulous!