sad day for a heavy girl....

Hi everyone. I have not used MFP in a little while, but decided it was time to get back on track.
I started my day off great with a nice cardio workout at the gym, & I have been making smart eating choices all day, and needed to run to the store for some fresh veggies for dinner. Well this is where my day took a sad turn...a little girl in a shopping cart told her mom that I was fat! WOW that was a blow to my healthy day! Im feeling sad, yet motivated to shed these extra pounds I have been carrying around with me for way to long! I have PCOS, which makes weight loss extra hard. I dont let that hold me back though, i guess it just means I have to push a little harder to get where I want/need to be so that I can be a healthier, more beautiful version of myself.

Well im going to keep a smile on my face and keep trecking along. :smile:


  • carmen62
    Keep going. You've taken a step in the right direction. The main thing is that you can tell yourself what you are doing right and it's all there in your blog. Give yourself credit. You've exercised and you are eating healthy. You can do it!
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    Im so sorry for what happened... Even if it was coming from a little girl it was rude and I hope her mother made her apologize to you. You can do it :flowerforyou:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am sorry that she hurt your feelings. Little kids don't know better, they are... honest to a fault. But its great that you are taking this and using it to stay positive and keep your path towards a healthier you! Something to be proud of!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Kids are brutally honest, but I hope you heard the mother tell her daughter that everyone is different and special.
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Don't let it get you down! You're making great choices and we're all here for you! I love this site because everyone is so encouraging and motivating! You can do it!!
  • sabrina_11
    sabrina_11 Posts: 28 Member
    I think we've all had those 'moments' that hurt deeply, but shake it off, and use it to motivate you even more to reach your goals. :)
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    Wow - out of the mouths of babes hey, I hope mom used it as a teaching opportunity. As for you, good for you for turning that in to even more motivation. Stay focused and know that you ARE beautiful!
  • Smokechic
    Smokechic Posts: 40 Member
    Good for you....keep your head high, use any negative as a positive motivator. As hard as that may be and remember, although still hurtful, it was from the mouth of a child and was not meant in any malicious manner whatsoever. It takes time, you made it to the Gym, you made good food choices, and you were shopping for healthy food. Weight loss is not an over night process and you made the phenomenal choice to work on it....AND your on here! You got this girl....go getchu some!!!
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Life isn't always kind,andt all that matters is the way you handle these sitautions. Look--you were at a store where you could have grabbed any food you wanted to "comfort" yourself. And what did you do instead? Steel your resolve and are making yourself healthier! GO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    :( That sucks. But like the others have said, you're taking positive steps! Sounds like other than that comment, you had a pretty awesome day! And as the mother of two small kids myself, I can tell you to take that little girl's comments with a grain of salt. She didn't mean anything by it. My 4-year-old likes to comment when she thinks someone has a "big butt," because she thinks it's a compliment. What she really means is that they're a grown-up. A long time ago she fell in the toilet and I told her it was because she had a little butt because she was a little girl, and now she thinks everybody should want the biggest butt possible because that means they're a real grown-up. So she's offended a couple of people in public by saying they have a big butt, when really, she thinks it's a good thing. Kids don't understand the stigmas we have as adults around body image. Try not to let it derail you.
  • Rondaks
    Rondaks Posts: 22
    Sometimes 'fat' is a description, not an insult. I try and think of it that way. I am 41 years old, short, fat, brown (and purple) haired, brown eyed, beautiful woman. I am all of those things. That is my general description. When I was younger, I took 'fat' as an insult every single time I heard it. But I've taken back the word 'fat'. I own it. Because I own it, no one can use my own word against me. Do you kind of see what I mean?

    You just keep that smile on your face and keep working your plan. Own who you are and love that person!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Kids can be cruel. Yes, it hurts but if you are making the right choices then it is a good day. This too shall pass.
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    Hang in there! I had a little kid point to a big ol' blemish on my face one time and say loudly "what's on her face mom?". They can say mean things but not know it.

    Bottom line is, it doesn't matter about other people. Find the place in your heart and mind where you know you're worth it and you deserve the life you want. If you don't start there, it will make achieving your goals that much harder. Be your biggest fan!
  • divamimi09
    divamimi09 Posts: 38 Member
    Your day was awesome with what you did for YOU. Keep up the good work and try not to let this set you back. I like what Rhondaks said...YOU OWN IT.... Its all about you! Keep it up!!! :)
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Maybe that's the kind of comment you needed to get back on track though? I bet you'll be more determined now!
    I have PCOS too, but dont let that even cross my mind - I didnt even think it made it harder to lose weight ?
    I'm sure if you keep to this website you'll get all the comments and remarks you need to motivate and inspire you.
    Eat right, excercise and you'll get there :-)
  • LauraKB
    LauraKB Posts: 26 Member
    Oh so sorry... I too am a big girl with PCOS... I've been on the receiving end of comments like those from strangers and even my own kids... Kids say the darndest things!

    Each day is an opportunity to make it better than the day before. If you're having a good day - better than yesterady - keep it up! Only you know...and only YOU matter!
  • padbh
    padbh Posts: 40
    when i was in 6th grade, some guys refered to me as a fat friend of theirs, the truth is as i look back on it i was 5 6 and weighed 145, this comment affect how i felt about myself and should not have. dont let it affect you negetively, move ahead! best wished to you my friend i do not know, but do know!
  • Jartexas
    Jartexas Posts: 59 Member
    ang in there, yo are not alone.:laugh:
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Keep tracking! You are definitely in the right place. I have poked around here for several years and finally "got it". You can friend me if you wish. You can do this. You are going in the right direction. Kids say unkind things without thought or even knowing what they are REALLY saying. I overheard my daughter saying to my husband that Mommy was fat. My heart broke and here I am weeks later intent on never hearing anyone calling me fat again.
    Keep up the great work. Tomorrow is another day. Don't eat your feelings. You are doing the right thing by posting here. We support each other and this too shall pass.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Kids can be mean, no doubt, and brutally honest. My 2 year old daughter used to poke me and tell me my belly was squishy and I hated it. That was over 50 lbs and 6 months ago, now when we snuggle she asks for a pillow (guess my collar bones aren't as comfy as they used to be!) ;) Hang in there!! You can do this!!