New Low Carber here lol

Hi Everyone,

My good friend just inspired me to join and I must say that the ipod application of this website is SWEET(no pun intended lol) A little about me is that my mom who was a big part of my life passed away almost a year and a half ago and basically I just completely let myself go at that point. And to be totally honest, she got sick 11 years ago and think I just slowly died with her. So, God is still in the process of getting me out of this miry pit of bad habits. I have been struggling with high blood pressure for awhile. So, now it's finally time to do something about it. I have a few months off from teaching so I need to make this short time really count and readjust my habits before stress enters again. Anyways, I am not doing the Atkins induction *yet* . I would like to eventually get there. Currently, I am not eating white things. No sugar, No flour, No white rice. I have drastically cut down my carb intake from what it was so trying not to be too much of a crabby patty! I am walking just a bit trying to get my muscle strength back. I am excited to be here and if you are on low carb and want a new friend please add me and we can share receipes and ideas and most of all encourage each other! Nice meeting you and thank you for reading my intro.

Rivkah :)


  • StaceG1986
    I'm not low carb, but still, always looking for new friends on here :smile: Feel free to add me :smile:
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Same as me too! I'm a low carb eater, so feel free to add me too!
    always can do with the extra motivation and support :-)
  • cozumelhereicome

    A great low carb way to go is the South Beach diet. There is less unheathy fats in it and once you get to phase two and three you can have some carbs so your diet does not get boring. I am extending phase one and the recipes are awesome. My sister did Atkins and after a couple months she was losing her hair. But I know tons of people that did really like it with no bad side effects.

    I am so sorry about your mother. I can't even imagine how hard that is. I hope you can find some inspiration on this site to get you through this tough time and to get you back to feeling healthy and feeling really good about yourself. I know I always feel better when I look better. So to be honest, havent felt good in awhile. I am only in the diet for two weeks and on here for one but I really feel like I can do it! Hang in there :)

  • bounce0033
    I am so sorry about your mother. I wish you the best success on your journey. I am fairly new as well - I was doing an Atkins-esque diet but after reading some of the message boards I adjusted my diet to a more balanced diet.. My energy level has increased (thus my mood).

    Please feel free to add me as well.