Hi Newbie here.....

dmcarpenter619 Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
So I finally decided to quit just complaining about my weight gain and do something about it. Over the past couple of years I have been on many medications and have went from a size 7 to a 14. I have sat around and complained but never did anything to actively lose weight. I am no longer on the medications and have decided to cut Sprite out of my house completely. I was drinking almost a 12 pack a day. Yikes. I am now drinking water and Propel Water. My husband has decided to take this weight loss journey with me! We have put the exercise equipment up in our bedroom and will use it every day. We are also going to start counting calories and teach our children to eat healthy! I am here because I know that I need help staying on track with this and I hope to find that here. I also have Type II Diabetes so this should help my sugar levels. I am 34 years old and weigh in at 183 pounds. I didn't weigh this much with either of my pregnancies!!!

Thanks for reading my rambling! LOL



  • CariRH
    CariRH Posts: 3
    I'm a newbie too! Root beer was my 'drug' of choice. Ha!
  • Way to go giving up the Sprite!

    Best of luck to you and your hubby! I know you can both do it! Just take it one day at a time!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    way to go. welcome and good luck. congrats on the sprite and feel free to friend me.
  • Way to go on giving up the soda! I gave up soda a couple years ago and I had a few diet cokes through the holidays and had to get right back off again. Not easy to do, so nice work! Feel free to add me for support!
  • Dmwalt
    Dmwalt Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone. I am currently unemployed , depressed & slightly overweight. I live in a new city where I do not know anyone so all I do is look for jobs, watch tv & munch. I eat out of boredom. I am not even sure that this website will help me but I am willing to give it a try. I have been working out a gym. I just started a few weeks ago. The gym has a 90 day transformation challenge going on and I signed up for it. You accumulate points and at the end whomever has the most points wins a gift basket. I am just hoping this will motivate me to get back in shape and to eat healthier. Wish me luck and I look forward to your support.
  • I have also sat around and not conquered my weight problem for too long. It sounds like you're on the right track and hopefully this community will provide a source of support and motivation we need!! x
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