Help!!! Support please

So, I'm having a little party/sleepover with some of my friends tomorrow, as a surprise birthday party for one of one of our friends.
They've been talking all week about all the junk food they're going to bring, the brownies we're going to bake, etc.
You know those kind of girls - the kind that can talk about stuffing themselves like pigs and not have to care because they're somehow miraculously sticks no matter what they eat?? Almost all of my friends are those girls.
They don't know I'm trying to lose weight, and if they did they would instantly start attacking me (not in a mean way, but in that "we're your friends and we care about you, and you don't need to lose weight!" kind of way, you know?) and I'm not sure how much I'd be able to take before giving in and join them in the brownie binge.
And even if they DON'T find out / notice that I'm dieting, I'm not sure I can stand the pressure of all that delicious, chocolatey junk food, anyways!
PLEASE give me some inspiration / motivation / support to get me through tomorrow night!


  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    Stay strong!! Just remember how hard you have been working and how much you don't want to let it go to waste for a night of brownie binging. They are your friends and should respect your choices, even if they don't think you need to lose weight :) But, you could always use the excuse that you have a stomach ache, if you absolutely have to "hide" your diet. The other option is to give in just a little (maybe enjoy a few small snacks, nibble on them and make them last) and then exercise to make up for it--you only live once, after all! :)
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I understand!! My sister is having her 30th bday party on sunday...I plan to drink a ton of water...having a glass of water in my hand will keep my mouth busy!

    But you can get 'junk' food.

    Air pop some popcorn
    get a small bag of baked Lays
    and get some low fat cookies (1 serving)

    Let your friends know you are just trying to be healthy. If they give you comments, just smile and say thank you, but explain that you are losing weight for YOU and how you want to feel.

    Good friends will understand. :) Good luck!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    tell 'em you're bringing some awesome appetizer (or two) and pick something you can make and eat that will taste amazing and be totally healthy! A brownie is only like 150 calories so make room in your diet for a brownie or two and bring some other stuff too! If they're worried about you maybe reconsider your motivation, make sure you really gotta lose the weight and if so just stick to your guns and simultaneously try not to be a party pooper. trust me i know it's a tall order. I gotta do something similar tomorrow. the girls want to go out and that means a busload of calamari and booze. I make room in the diet for it and get the chicken wings, have one, and sip a beer or two all night. it is a sacrifice but the bod is worthy.
  • HeartsTurtle
    I think you should be proactive and buy some "sweets" for yourself.. make some no pudge brownies (you can buy the brownie mix at most grocery stores) or get the Klondike slimbear bars that are only 100 calories. That way when they're all shoving brownies in their mouths, you can join too but know that yours will be 100 calories less! and this way they wont be nagging you to join them!

    Good luck.. just remember why you're working so hard!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Bring your own healthy "junk" goodies to share with them. Most likely they wont notice that it is low cal or low fat unless you make it a point to bring it up. Bring your own water bottle so you can steer clear of the excess calories in soda or other drinks. And if all else fails, i think the "I ate something earlier that isnt agreeing with me" tummy trouble is a good one. Just dont make a huge thing out of it, and they probably wont notice.

    Definitely plan your meals for the day to include lots of healthy stuff and get your exercise in before going to the party. This will help you stay focused and not blow it with going overboard on all the temptations. You'll have room to enjoy a few goodies without the stress of after effects. ALSO... remember that overloading on the sugar is going to make you feel really crappy the next day if your body has gotten used to eating healthier. Sugar hangovers are NOT fun!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Good luck tonight!