Best "exercise" game for Wii????



  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I just have the Wii Fit, and it's cute and some of the exercises are pretty cool (I've already noticed my balance is improving) and a couple are legitimately "exercise" (like the run and the boxing), but I need something more. I'm not sure what to buy, but I think I might hit up Walmart or EB Games and splurge. I think it'll either be EA Active or Just Dance 2/Zumba -- maybe both, if I've been good!
  • meadows654
    Wii has really helped me to start moving again. I love Just Dance 2. I also recently got Wii Zumba. LOVE that one as well. :love: Really makes me sweat. Wii Walk It Out is neat because you walk around an island to the beat of various music, earn coins, then use the coins to buy more music tracks, scenery, additional paths, etc. You keep walking because you want to buy more stuff. I also have the Wii Fit Plus, but won't get into that since you said you're not interested. :wink:
  • cakedva
    cakedva Posts: 36
    This may sound corny, but the Michael Jackson Experience is a good work out game. My kids love that I'm playing with them and I love that I know I'm doing some cardio!
  • lorenkan
    lorenkan Posts: 2
    Walk It Out is by far my favorite because you don't have to switch out gear like with EA Sports (resistance bands and such). It is addicting and I could do it for hours. It is the primary way I lost weight from December 15th until now. I do it every day and I just finished the game today. I made a new mii and another nickname and I'm going to do the game all over again. I'm going to get Active Life Explorer with Mat (ordered it yesterday) and give that a try because it looks like a lot of fun. I don't know if it has weight restrictions.

    The only issue you might have with Walk It Out is the leg strap and making sure it is big enough, but there are extenders to make it bigger. My goal was to lose 25 pounds before I get pregnant and I've lost 23.2 pounds so far. So close to that goal. I am going to keep trying to lose until I get prego. :)
  • lorenkan
    lorenkan Posts: 2
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Trying out my ticker. I wish it would insert it for you.

    I was 210 lbs. on Dec 15
    Now I'm 186.8 lbs. on April 17.
    Goal is 185 - almost there!
    Ultimate goal is 158 to 165 and a size 12.
    I was a size 16, now a size 14.

    Walk It Out - all time favorite
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    ZUMBA its very good, and they teach you the steps
  • Voodoosmama
    I heard the Experience is good but my kids drove me crazy with Michael when they were young. Almost ruined him for me. I wish that it caught a signal from your left hand as well when I do Just Dance. 1 or 2.
  • brendankiely
    It took me a while to find any Wii fitness games I liked. The one's that I can really recommend are:



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