Motivation and exercise

cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So today i planned to wake up at about 6 am before work to fit in some exercise. But i just couldn't bring myself to do it and told myself i'd complete it after work. Of course that didn't happen too. I'm not an exercise fiend so it is not because i'm pushing myself too far or because my body needs a break.
Are there any tips you use to really push yourself to exercise or just to get it done?


  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Sometimes when I'm working out and wanting to quit I think about why I want to lose weight in the first place. Do you want to be healthier for kids, family, etc. Is there somewhere you want to go on vacation? Look good in a bikini? Look better in general? Etc.

    Just think about why you wanted to do this in the first place. That should be enough motivation. I've always believed in the past that if I wasn't committed to doing it I just wasn't ready and it proved true EVERY time. I know I'm ready this time b/c I push myself everyday and do it no matter what EVERYDAY. You have to really want it, and be ready to do whatever it takes to get it.
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    The longer you think about it the harder it is (for me anyway) my husband is a postie and is up at silly o'clock and I thought in my wisdom that I would get up when he gets up and do a DVD/Treadmill but the times that I did I was so tired at work in the afternoon it wasnt worth it - now I am in my gym stuff and as soon as the kids are in bed I get the DVD on - other tips Ive heard are go to a class so you know you have to be at a certain place at a certain time, either that or find a fitness buddy then if you do it together you can spur each other on and you know that if you drop out you will be letting your buddy down - its like getting on a rollercoaster the more you think about it the more you will talk yourself out of it - dont think about can i fit it in - you deserve it - you deserve the time to yourself and in the words of Nike - JUST DO IT !!! x
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    You will definitely talk yourself out of exercising. In the beginning you can see it as a chore but wants you get use to doing it you won't wanna stop. Your body will just start to feel better. You'll notice that you have more energy and don't feel sluggish.

    So the next time your mind tries to talk you out of being a healthier you by not exercising you start to run down the list of the reasons you should.

    Even if you don't go to the gym while your are sitting there watching tv pick up some lite weights and do some curls. Get on the floor and work those legs.

    Turn on your favorite tunes and dance for 20 minutes.

    Get yourself MOVE-IN!!
  • eshyay
    eshyay Posts: 18
    Remember that all you have to do is get out of bed. Once you're out of bed and in your workout gear it becomes a tonne easier!

    Edit: I wanted to add that exercise, for me, is a HUGE motivating factor in weight loss. I'm very diligent about having a healthy carby snack a while before heading for the gym, and about having a protein-rich meal after. I get very good about following my calorie allowance. I went to the gym last night and did a circuit training class and it made me so happy and got me feeling so amazing about myself that today, it is easy as pie to say no to unhealthy snacking and make sure I have healthy, balanced meals.
    It just makes things a lot easier when you start feeling so good about your body.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is why I like belonging to a gym... and being a total cheapskate. I'm already paying for it, and I don't want it to go to waste, so I make a point of going. And once I get dressed and drive there, I wanna make sure I spend at least as much time working out as I do driving back and forth, otherwise I'm wasting gas, so I stay longer and work harder.

    The first five minutes are always the hardest for me. "Why am I doing this?" "This is so boring." "I'd rather be ____ (reading, painting, crafting, soaking in the tub, napping...)." But then, once my heart gets pumping, I start feeling better. The more I exercise, the more energized I feel.

    At least that's what I tell myself when I don't want to go. :tongue:
  • rmqt
    rmqt Posts: 78 Member
    I am totally in the same boat :) I put my cell phone (alarm) on the other side of the room, in the bathroom, or hide it under my workout clothes to get my buns out of bed. Once I'm up it's easier to get dressed and go. And don't hit snooze!!! I also usually bribe myself with a sauna session on Fridays if I make all the other mornings. If you're like me, the crack'o'dawn AM is the only time not eaten up by kids/work/family so I try to think of gym time as "me time."
  • For me, prepping everything the night before - have gymbag ready and packed, all I have to do is grab it and go, made a big difference. I also set realistic expectations - I can't go seven days a week, but I can make it to the gym on Tue, Thu, and Saturday. Then I pick one addictional day to walk 3 miles around my neighborhood. This way I still got to sleep in on certian days.

    Allthough I have not done it, I have had a friend or two put a picture of themselves with thier shirt off and tape it to the alarm clock or bathroom mirror.

    As cheesy as it sounds, after you go a while - your body craves it and you will wake up wanting to go.

    Keep at it.
  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    I have just recently made the switch to working out in the morning before I have to work. I set my alarm for 5:45 and allow myself to hit snooze once, then it's out of bed and to the gym. I have found that I really love working out in the mornings because I know I will be able to come home from work and be lazy and not feel guilty about it because I have already worked out for the day! Working out gets the blood pumping and wakes you up and gets those endorphins going to make you HAPPY for the rest of the day! Sure, when that alarm goes off I groan and don't feel like getting up, but allowing myself that one snooze button helps. And it really does get easier once you're up and in your workout clothes. Good luck!
  • find an exercise routine that you ENJOY!!! my boyfriend's mom got a wii fit plus for Christmas & we spend HOURS playing games with eachother....and burning calories at the same time! it's fun and you don't really think of it as exercise! if you like to dance....zumba classes are supposed to be fantastic.....or start out slow and go for a walk. once you get will want to exercise, i promise! it makes you feel so much better!

    i accomplished a big goal myself last night. my attention span doesn't hold very long which can make exercise difficult for me sometimes. i borrowed the p90x set from a friend & did the x stretch for ONE SOLID HOUR!!!! it was amazing.....and i didn't even realize a whole hour had gone by! i burned like 300 calories from it....

    good luck!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I have just recently made the switch to working out in the morning before I have to work. I set my alarm for 5:45 and allow myself to hit snooze once, then it's out of bed and to the gym. I have found that I really love working out in the mornings because I know I will be able to come home from work and be lazy and not feel guilty about it because I have already worked out for the day! Working out gets the blood pumping and wakes you up and gets those endorphins going to make you HAPPY for the rest of the day! Sure, when that alarm goes off I groan and don't feel like getting up, but allowing myself that one snooze button helps. And it really does get easier once you're up and in your workout clothes. Good luck!

    This is sooooooo me! When the alarm sounds at 4:15 I groan but then I think once its over, its over . The rest of the day is mine.
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