true self

One of the reasons that I came to this site was because i do have an eating disorder and I am tired of it. I really need to practice living a healthier life style and I have been but each day is a struggle. I have been in recovery for over a year but I do still have thoughts about my issue. I was a little reluctant to say anything about it because I did not want to be judged. I have received some good advice here on this site. I am really working hard on eating right and losing weight the right way. I really need the support of those out there who can relate to what I am going through even if you can't relate I welcome your comments.


  • ebonybliss
    Well its awesome you joined the site! There is a lit if support and you will get so much motivation. Its hard to make a change and adjust but with time and dedication things will be great!!!!! Good luck to u
  • beckyjohns0709
    it takes a lot of courage to tell your truth, so, first, i really, really acknowledge you. second, cliche' or not, it really is just one step at a time. if breakfast blows, make lunch great. if you didn't have water all day, have some at night. you're in the right place here, but remember to get plenty of support in your real world and life. after all, this is YOU we're talking about. and you matter and are loved. don't forget that.

    much love and prayers to you on your healing journey.

  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome. I tried to lose weight for 30 years and it never worked. I've been here since September and it is working great. This is the place to be if you want to succeed. All the best to you.
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Welcome to the site

    I had to finally admit that for most of my life I've been addictied to food. I loved the taste, texture, the whole experience of eating both the pysical and emotional. I would have a big helping and then have another. Binge to the point of illness on the weekends because I loved to eat.
    Well I haven't been seeing anyone for my issues but I can recognize now what I used to do and have been taking steps to fix my problems. So far so good.
    You might not have the same problem but your not the only one with an issue or two with food, so keep your head up and hold tight to the vision of a better life in your mind. You can do it!

    Best wishes