Exercise & weight gain

Does this happen to anyone else?.... whenever I hit the gym especially hard, I'm up at least 3 pounds the next day (today it was 5.5!!!!). I've not tried doing unusually hard workouts 2 days in a row - that's my next experiment.


  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Maybe it's water retention? Try drinking more xxx
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Sometimes you can retain water after excercise - make sure that you are drinking plenty of hydrating drinks during and after the gym, which should help.
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    I gain everytime I exercise and I hate it! The 2 weeks leading up to Christmas, I didn't exercise at all and I lost 3 pounds. Since I started working out again, I've gained that 3 back plus another. Ugh.... I hate it!
  • chrish1981

    I've been eating less and exercising more. I lost 3 pounds in the past week, but this morning, 1 has come back!

    (I don't drink enough water....that could be it).