Greeting Finess Pals ..follow me lose 20 kg in 3 months

I_amnr Posts: 129 Member
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone

This has got to be one of the best sites out there for weight lose.

Planning to drop from from 100 kg to 80 kg in 3 months.
i got quite a large frame but dont really care about losing muscle would rather be smaller and a lot more toned and at the moment im carrying alot of extra fat

started at 107.8 kg on the 3rd of september and managed to drop down to 97 kg before chritsmas but managed to put on 3 kg

ill be doing 45 minute sessions in the gym 6 times a week and eating 1700 calories

current stats

Height: 172 cm
Weight: 100 kg
waist: 102 cm
Bench press: 120 kg, 10 reps
Dumb bell press: 50 kg, 10 reps
Inclined Dumb bell press: 45 kg, 10 reps
shoulder press bar bell: 80 kg, 7 reps
Leg Press: 460 kg, 7 reps
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