Get in gear!

JosephTucker Posts: 65
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I heard on the radio this morning... "The best exercise you will do this the one that you will do."
Go walking, running, do some crunches, or whatever...or my wife would say.."wash some dishes, fold some clothes" you will be surprise how many calories that would burn...


  • LOL well what kind of calories have you burned...washing dishes, folding clothes? I would love to come home to a clean house! Especially when I aint the one that had to clean it! I have got in the mind set that when I DO the house work it IS exercise. Sort of like getting two birds with one stone kind of thing. AND it really IS exercise! GET MOTIVATED JOSEPH!!....LOL and put those boys to work too! They will not only work out some energy but also learn that daddys help around the house too!
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