
I think the key to weight lost is discipline. I tend to be an emotional eater. A few days ago, I let something get to me and before I knew it, I had eaten approx 1/2 bag of pretzels. BUT I'm not going to stop, so I just took my cardio up to the next level.


  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Morning Tara,
    Great job that you increased the cardio ... and your right it does take a ton of discipline .... what I try and do is drink water when I'm emotional .... I would normally drink vodka but I'm trying to cut back due to weight loss. Best of luck and Happy Friday!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Well at you increased your cardio, and are able to recognize some of eating triggers. It takes total discipline and it's so easy to fall off if we don't stay focused. My problem is late night eating I do great all day and almost every night about 10pm the cravings kick in. When I use to live alone this was never a problem since I didn't buy sweets there was no way to give in to the urge, but now my spouse loves sweets and there is always pies, cakes, and chocolates on hand! I had to make myself go to bed last cause I almost gave in!