Yucky Cold = Munchies?

At this point, I feel pretty great at achieving my goals. I really have lost my need to munch, for the most part, and I can usually curb them successfully with a cup of tea. But, I have noticed when I have a cold, my munchies are off the charts. I have my tea AND I still want... something. You know that feeling? "I just want... something". I'm not sure if it's my Southern upbringing... my grandmother surely believed in feeding a cold, or if it's my way of self-soothing through discomfort. Don't get me wrong, I hung in there and kept my numbers in the green for the day (I snacked, but chose healthier snacks and didn't snack as often as I WANTED to). Just wondering if you guys all notice the same drive and how you curb yours?


  • ekpattison
    I just got over a terrible cold and I had the same problem!! Adds insult to injury, for sure. I ate all kinds of nonsense and I wasn't even hungry, but the last couple days of my cold I forced myself to log the calories for every single bite (and honey--oh my god, does it have a lot of calories) and that put me in my place in a HURRY.

    Cough drops have 15 calories a piece! I downed a whole bag of those guys in two days!...whoops! back on the wagon now, that's whats important :)
  • xxscissorqueenxx
    I was sick the other day and kept getting munchies as well! It was sooo hard! I tried to take my mind off of it with lots of exercise...and I sucked on peppermints! That seemed to help a lot. Your body just wants something, anything! So I chose something that would last a while!
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    That's weird as I've got a bad cold (or flu?) at the moment and I have no appetite at all, strange how everyone is different! :smile:
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Snacking is my biggest problem sick or not ... I am doing healthy snacks but it is still a struggle ... wish there was some easy trick for both of us!!!
  • jrh5249
    jrh5249 Posts: 28
    Everytime that i get a cold i try and eat more on purpose. I find that if i stay hydrated and eat more than i usually would that i spend less time being sick. Maybe its my body using the extra fuel to get better, Idk. But on average i end up being sick for a shorter amount of time then when i dont eat more.
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    If I get the flu, I dont want to eat.
    HOwever, if I have a cold~~uncontrollable munchies! it is all I want. I thought I was alone in this. I'm glad it's not only me. Don't get me wrong, I often don't give in, but I fight the desire all day!