Exercise Anxiety

mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I get up early every AM to work out - 4-5 AM. I set my alarm about 10 minutes before I need to start, and get up and going immediately.

I'm recently finding that I'm not sleeping well. I'm worried I'm going to sleep through my alarm and miss my work out. Typically I can't make it up if I miss it. I'm taking care of the kids, heading out the door to work, I work fairly late and long hours, then with kids activities, dinner, etc, I don't even sit down again until about 9:00 PM, when I crash. Plus, I don't want to kick DH off the TV as he works many hours too and he really enjoys just relaxing to the TV.

Any suggestions on how not to worry about missing my exercise. I find that if I miss it, I'm cranky all day and just need it for stress relief if nothing else.


  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    Sleep is a very important part to staying healthy. Your body needs 7-8 hours of sleep every night and if you are consistently getting less then you are depriving yourself. I say if you sleep in and miss your workout you shouldn't feel bad because you are giving your body something else it needs, more rest! The days you do sleep in make sure you are eating healthy foods and maybe you can find other ways to work out during the day so you won't feel so bad. Like If you work a desk job maybe step away and take a walk around the block or around the office every once in a while. Or if you stay at home during the day and have children, make an effort to play with them! Anything to get up and move around!
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