Hello All...Room for a big one?!

Hello all!

Hello all....Ive joined this site because i have decided to take the steps to lose weight....Ive lied quite a lot about my weight as im 5"10 it doesn't look like im am my true weight(that i will reveal in a bit)

I was a average sized youngster and had something truly awful happen to me as an 12 year old that sent me into comfort eating spiral that ive always done even though im now 27 and even though ive come to terms with what happened to me as a youngster(i wont bore you all with the details) find myself in the position of being the weight i am..I over eat...eat when im not hungry...Eat out of boredom and i know i eat all the wrong things...obviously!!

For a big girl Im still active..i can still walk and run even though it does get painful to run for anything over about 3 minutes and im wheezing like a dying fly so i really think my problem is the eating side of it,

The title says Im shaming myself slim and hoping by revealing my true weight will help me as ive always lied about my weight...Even my Oh doesn't know how much i weigh but lucky for me hes always been a lover of the larger lady,Im writing this honesty and hope to get some wonderful advice..support and most of all encouragement from you lovely people

Im also thinking about becoming Vegetarian too as a lot of my snacks and downfalls are meat based ie sausage rolls and Pasty's as well as the usual crisps and of course the old faithful Chocolate!!

Since having My son ive lost a stone and a half but i think that's down to running around seeing to a newborn

Right so time for the big reveal

Im Leanne...Im 27 and i weigh....25 STONE


  • canoekayak
    what is the definition of a stone as far as weight is concerned?
  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    1 stone = 14 pounds
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Just take it day by day, you'll be able to lose it!
  • Shaqueta
    Hi, I am 5 '9 1/2 and when I started here mid August I was 261. I didn't look it at all, I've never looked my weight. I'm a solid person. I have the exact same issues with running my chins start hurting. I understand u more than you know.
  • keepitoff99
    I know that posting your weight can be a difficult thing but we are all here to lose weight or get healthy by tracking/exercising so glad you posted that.

    My comment would be that cutting out things that you really like completely sometimes has the effect of making you crave them more. I'm thinking it is better do eat in moderation, that way you are not depriving yourself. For example, I love chocolate so I buy the little packages of chocolate covered pretzels so that I'm getting a little chocolate/salty flavour but not all the calories.
    Going vegetarian while trying to lose weight may make it harder for you - but that's just my take on it. It may work for you.

    I have found tracking what you do eat is really key as it is hard to tell how much you have eaten during a day, especially if you are busy. I find it helpful to plan my day as best I can and write it in before I eat it.

    Good luck with your journey - we are here for you!!
  • shaeanne
    shaeanne Posts: 12 Member
    You can do it! I think the first step is admitting there is a problem and then deciding that you are worth the time and effort to fix the problem. This site is a great tool, I have only been using it for a short amount of time and I love it. You can only hurt or help yourself here, logging even when you know your way over your calories is a small accomplishment because its a step towards analyzing what went wrong and how to improve upon it! Good Luck!
  • sherrone_t
    Welcome! Good luck....we're here for you! :0)
  • tashasbaby
    Hello and welcome, first off a huge cogratulations for the weight already lost, it doesn't matter how much or how you lost it the important thing is YOU DID IT WOOHOO
    Secondly you have made the most important step in losing the rest, you have admitted how you weigh and you are seeking help! Together we can do this, feel free to add me as a friend and good luck xxx
  • k8tmama
    k8tmama Posts: 58
    You can do it! Good for you for being honest with yourself and the group here about where you're at. I myself have about 110 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight (as I get closer, I guess I will see what weight should actually be my goal). I find the community on here so helpful. I'm enjoying a low-carb diet, and it's been working well; there are lots of different approaches represented here, and you can find other people who can share recipes, etc.

    I wish you the very best!
  • muffintop83
    Wow so many lovely welcomes!!..Thank you all so much im really greatful for such a good response and really look forward to getting to know you all a bit better...feel free to add me as a fried(i hope this isnt deemed as begging for friends!)...Il make sure i accept and enjoy you all giving me a virtual kick up the backside when i need it! Obviously with such a weightloss needed il be around a while!

    By the way i declined a couple of people by mistake when they requested to be my friend...so if i Havant accepted then re add me...my and my butter fingers eh!
  • SteeleMagnolia
    I was just getting ready to post and ask how many of us there were over 100 lbs overweight. Don't worry about the numbers because they are just a measuring device. And be happy you have a partner that doesn't mind your weight. My late husband told me if I'd lose 50 lbs then he'd marry me. I only weighed 180 then. I told him if I lost 50 lbs then I wouldn't want to marry him, I'd find someone better! Needless to say we married anyway...
    I've just started my journey today so if you want a 'buddy' count me in...
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Don't feel ashamed about it, I was 24.5 and 6.0ft and fed up, 3 weeks down and I'm in the 23's so next goal is the 22's. Just take it 1 week at a time and set yourself some mini goals each week.

    I wouldn't make any drastic changes like going veggie right now, as from past experiences if you cut something out 100% you will just want it more. Almost everything is ok in moderation, its the moderation that is the hard bit but it is far easier than cutting it out all together.

    Its slow and steady but any loss is great, good luck :smile:

  • canoekayak
    Thanks - I not heard of that before???
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Hello...and good luck!
  • muffintop83
    In stones id be about 350lbs....

    Im upping my water intake and getting at least 6 pints into me a day and eating sensible and just trying to focus on my end goal....
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    31 years ago when my wife and I got married i was a fit 175 lbs, i now weigh about 295. I would be happy to be aruond 230-250. I have arthritis in both knees and will need them replaced at sometime in the future. I want to get back into karate shpe for my sons black belt test this summer.
  • muffintop83
    Well done on your weight loss your doing great!

    Thanks for the advice too
  • LaurenRose2011
    Hey, I read your intro and just wanted to wish you the best of luck in your weight loss. I share something of a similar story, and it has left me in a state of desperation as I am now 28.7 stone. :( My goal is to get down to 23 stone and reassess before continuing to my ultimate goal of 13.5 - 15 stone. The hardest part is getting control of the emotional eating. I think I have it pretty well under control at this time, but I won't know until my next emotional trauma I guess.

    Anyway hun, good luck, and I hope that your life remains emotional trauma free. :)
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    :smile: No need to feel shame here. You are among understanding friends. :smile:
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    On becoming vegetarian.. a few years back (in college) I weighed about 165-160 lbs (I don’t know for sure since I avoided the scale at all costs, so it was probably a bit more). I decided to become a vegetarian for a number of reasons and it led me to eat healthier options since a ton of easy and ready to go items have meat or animal fat thrown in there (I was borderline vegan, I didn’t eat butter and hardly any milk or egg products… but I did still eat fish occasionally). I didn’t go to the gym except once or twice every semester so my only exercise was walking about 30 mins every day to/from class. So on top of changing my diet and walking to and from class I lost over 20 lbs without even trying.

    I would definitely recommend giving it a shot if you’re willing to pay more attention to what you eat. Being a vegetarian made me focus more on putting healthy things in my body and I actually stopped craving ice cream, chocolate, and sweets. The first year or so I rarely ate any junk food at all, even chips and crackers, because I know they had no nutritional value and my body didn’t crave them! It was awesome... but after a year I started getting back into eating junk food and slowly packed back on the lbs (hence why I’m here…). I eat meat now (for the past 6 months or so), but was vegetarian for about 5 years so send me a message if you have any questions!