Ready and Motivated

Hello all. My name is Rachel and I joined FitnessPal yesterday, after my sister told me about it. Hmm, where to begin. I got a divorce FINALLY in October, but before that settled, it was two years of stress. I over ate a lot. But then I found a new boyfriend who is amazing. We started going out to eat a lot... so as you can imagine, I gained happy fat and stress fat. From January 2010 to August 2010, I gained 20 pounds. At my heaviest have been 170, eck. I'm only 5'4", 30 years old. My BMI was out of control and I just felt like a dump truck. In September I was training hard with a personal training, and trying to watch what I ate. I manage to since lose 5 pounds. So now I'm 165 pounds.

Last Saturday I started working out. My goal is to walk/run/jog up to 600 miles this year. But to also lose up to 20 pds by May or June.

I typically get going, lose a few pounds and then quiet. This time, I wanna stick to it. I feel badly about my body and my self esteem is low.

I just want to look good and feel good for me!


  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Welcome, you'll do great here. Just remember to add weight training so the weight you lose doesn't come back so easy. Remember that muscle is your metabolism. The more you have the less fat will survive in your skin. You can do it. Eat Well, Train Hard and Be Healthy. Hmm...I like that saying. Don't steal it from me now. LOL
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome and good luck!!