Hello Friends!!

Well here I am :wink: I have joined and I am ready to get my crap together and quit wasting my time eating food that doesn't make me feel any better and sitting around not going anywhere. I have ALWAYS been the "fat" one of the family and never remember being "skinny" but always wishing I was smaller. I have been told throughout my life that I need to lose weight and I need to this and that but never did I feel it was for genuine concern, but more for the fact that it isn't socially "acceptable" to be fat. Was always as though I was the eye sore of the family but suprisingly I have always felt absolutely beautiful (most days). I have now accepted the fact that I want to get HEALTHY for me, not for a pants size, or for what people prefer to see, or what people would prefer I do, but purely for the fact that I can be HEALTHY whatever that looks like in whatever size I am happy with. I want to be active and run around with my neices and nephews :love: Friend me, I would love to support you in your journey as well.

Warmest regards,