Giving this a try!

Hi All!

I just heard about this site from a friend who's been having AWESOME results using it and thought I'd give it a try. I could really use some support. Looking forward to making new connections and losing this weight TOGETHER!


  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    WOOHOO, Welcome!!! So far this site has been my new addiction. I check it more than FB. lol I've only been here for 5 days though...

    What are your goals?
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I spend far too much time here every day! Glad it's a user name system so my work doesn't realize how much I'm on here!

    Setting your goals is a really important step -- giving a goal and timeline means that you'll find friends in similiar situations as you, and makes the goal more "real".

    Good luck!
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    I want to lose 16 pounds - I'll see if I start to look scrawny after that. I've always had up's and down's with my weight. I'm 5'2 and I currently weigh 131. HOWEVER, I was very sick for the past 2 years and my weight dropped down to a dangerously low 90lbs. My dr's would like me to be between 105-115. I still think that anywhere under 115 I was way too thin. (Below that and I was wearing my 9 yr old daughters clothes.) So for now, I'm shooting for 115lbs. Having fibromyalgia, every extra lb counts towards the pain.

    I seem to have no problem controlling my food intake, my problem is that my energy level is so low that excerise becomes very difficult. I'd love to find some ladies locally who might want to walk with me several times a week.