New Mom

Hi everyone!

I am a new mom looking to get back into shape. My daughter is 7 weeks old and I have 14 pounds left to go. I am wondering about running and breastfeeding? Any advice?


  • NuclearGirl
    Just don't do both things at the same time! :wink:
  • Brittney08Brown
    Hi Karen, My name is Brittney and I have a 6 week old baby. I unfortunately came down with a breast infection that caused my milk to dry up. But I thought it would be nice to have someone also with a new baby that is trying to lose weight.
  • Karen1732
    haha! thank you :) I am wondering about supply?
  • tashasbaby
    Hi hun, take it all at a steady pace you don't want to over do it and remember the body needs between 300 and 500 extra calories to succsesfully breastfeed, so if you are EBF add breatfeeding to your exercises as a 500cal burn, and as your baby drinks less bring the calorie burn slowly down to 300 hope this helps, feel free to add me as a friend and good luck with the weight loss and new baby xx