Was this a bad idea?



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    If you want to weigh yourself continually, it's not that big of a problem, but you should choose a specific time on a specific day of the week to LOG it. So weigh yourself 100 times a day if you want, but it only counts on Monday at 8 a.m. (or whatever day and time you choose). I weigh myself every time I do my Wii Fit, but I don't log it except on Tuesday mornings.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Out of curiousity, why do you see it being a huge problem?

    Weighing yourself after every snack or meal is ineffective and, frankly, a waste of time, but in and of itself it isn't harmful.

    Depends on your definition of harmful. I think it could be mentally/emotionally harmful if someone weighs constantly throughout the day and gets upset when they see the numbers go up (which is likely to be just regular body weight fluctuation). It's unhealthy to purposely subject yourself to unnecessary stress. If it becomes an obsession/compulsion, it can actually begin to interfere with every day life.

    I agree with most the posters - hide it somewhere that takes effort to get it out, then only weight yourself on a scheduled weigh-in day. When you weigh in, do it consistently every week - so do it on the same day each week, the same time of day, with the same type of clothing (or lack of clothing). Ex - first thing after using the bathroom on Mondays before your shower (so no clothes). As long as you're consistent, then the weight gain/loss should be reflective of actual gain/loss, not regularly daily fluctuations.

    I agree - if it's emotionally or mentally harmful, then it's harmful. A lot of people have no trouble weighing themselves multiple times a week (or even a day), but if it's causing unnecessary stress, then what's the point?

    I get obsessive and freak out if I weigh myself more than once a week. For me, it's counter-productive. So I do a once a week weigh-in on Tuesdays at 8:00 AM. But again, that's what works for me.