i'm new and looking for a bit of support

maluvsya Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
hi. its my first day on the site to and i love it. its so easy to understand as i have it on my iphone to so i can keep track on the go. i weigh at the moment just under 10 1/2 and want to get down to 9 stone ish and back into my size 10 jeans. amazing what weight u put on in a few months. its been making me really depressed so thought its about time to do something about it so here i am....!! the only problem is i can not say no!! i love pizza, i love it too much. i'm just wandering if any body els have cravings and how they deal with it as i am really struggling with it and my partner just ordered me a veggie pizza (so much for support from him lol) i'm also a smoker and been trying to quit since new years but nope give in to my cravings and still a smoker, and ive been smoking more since i found out you put on more weight by quitting!!!!!
help lol


  • Hi I'm new too! I get a lot of cravings for chocolate and cheese and its worse to deny yourself. Just have a tiny bit, and really enjoy every bite slowly. Then stop yourself so you don't have too much.
    Smoking is a tradeoff.. ssure it helps you lose weight but it takes years off your life. Its better to quit now & get hooked on a healthy habit like biking.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Welcome! I sent a friend request! :)
  • amenhorn
    amenhorn Posts: 8 Member
    Hey. It is my first day on here too and I put it on my iphone as well. I am 24 years old and 5'5''. After I had my 2 kids I weighed 200. I weight 150-152 now and my first goal is to get to 140. I have been eating pretty healthy and I have been going to the gym regularly 4 times a week for a couple years. I just wanted to really track how much I eat and have a community of support to try to lose the rest of this weight. My husband can eat anything and never gains weight. So on the weekends I don't really watch what I eat. Like yummy pizza. :) So the bad eating on the weekend is going to stop. I quit smoking at the beginning of Oct. and the cravings are the worst in the beginning, you just have to be strong. You can do it! Now I don't think about it. :) I didn't put on any weight after quitting. The only reason people gain weight after quitting, is because they fill up the time they were smoking, with eating. Just find something else to do with that time. I'm Audrey by the way. Good luck with your weight loss. :)
  • thank you :) will use your tips xx
  • I am new as well and also a smoker- I decided to work on getting healthy before I set a quit date so that I have all those good healthy behaviors in place first. I know I can do it and you can too! My quit date is 2/1/11. I hope you have much success and I am available as a support if you do decide to quit.:smile:
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    Have you tried making your own version of pizza at home? That might help your cravings. I get low-cal, wheat tortillas, low sodium tomato sauce and light cheese (plus whatever toppings you want to add) and just bake it in the oven for 10 minutes. The tortilla crisps pretty nice and you get the overall feeling of pizza. Hope that helps!
  • rdy2begin
    rdy2begin Posts: 170
    Hi I am new too(TODAY)..I also smoke and want to quit
    but am a one thing at a time person :)
    Look forward to following up and see if you
    find ways that help you to quit and vice versa...Here's to 2011
    and a new US :)
  • YOU CAN EAT PIZZA!! Why not? Just make sure you balance your calories around it so you don't go over. Its all about finding a way to eat and not feel like your depriving yourself. If you feel like that for too long, it will never stick. Good luck though and friend me!
  • mcakes
    mcakes Posts: 4 Member
    Tracking is the BEST way! I have been on my diet since last January. It is a slow process, but continual.. sometimes I lose a pound a week, sometimes I lose a pound a month. I sometimes have to eat what I crave, but I track it.. that way I can know when to STOP! I lost 24 pounds in 2010, and am hoping to drop the last 10-15 in 2011. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!

    I am not too sure about the smoking, that does not seem like a fun trade off (healthier life, but more difficulty loosing weight)... I think you know that right answer there though. Maybe logging your cigarette intake would help too? At least you would then be aware of everything is going in your body -- I hated logging the three 150 calorie beers I had yesterday, but it is always better to realize how much you are having (cigs, foods or drinks) and hopefully that can be a good eye opener / motivator for you. I know it is for me :)

    Good luck this year, to all of you!!
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