serving size

When you put in a recipe it will tell you how many calories per serving but how do you figure out the serving size? I usual guess on this but I afraid I may be eating more calories then I should, any advice.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I have that same question! I use general guidelines for myself. If it is a casserole, something served from a pot/dish, I usually say 1/2 to 1 cup is a serving. A piece of meat is the size of your palm, a deck of cards, or 3 oz. Pasta and rice is typically around 1/2 cup. So I just stay within that range, when I'm being good, for a recipe that is served with a spoon.

    Confusing but a rough guideline... I would love to see what others say that may be more specific!

    Jenny Banta
  • rfalce
    rfalce Posts: 11
    If it is a prepackaged food then the serving size is probably whatever is listed on the package. If it's homemade you are probably better off recording the calorie content of each ingredient, adding it up and dividing it by number of servings if it is more than 1. It will ask if you want to save it when you enter the final number so that if you want to use it again you don't have to go through the hassle of figuring it out.
  • princessmedic
    If its a casserole type recipe, I look at it and imagine it divided equally into whatever looks like a serving amount. Like it looks like it would divide into eight I calculate eight servings. Then I usually cut it into the eight pieces and serve mine out. And then maybe pack up another portion for my leftover-then let my kids dig in and eat what size they want.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    measure the final product and put that in. Example I make a chilli and after its done I measured out the whole pot in 1cup serving