Can't figure out the problem. Suggestions please!

mandijo Posts: 618 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been on here for over a year, and began changing things slowly, but surely. I finally have gotten to the point these last 3 weeks to make sure I'm honest about logging everything, exercising daily and staying within my calories. Last year I lost 11 pounds and wasn't doing this well. I gained all but 4 back throughout the end of the year and am pretty much back to square 1.

Here's my major issue. Last week (and this happens more often than not) I weighed in and stayed the same- that was with NYE and NY day and all the horrible crappy food and drinks that came along with it. This week has been close to perfect with the exception of excessive sodium (my next focus). I did everything right, and I GAINED 1.7 pounds. Now I'm 195 pounds (or 196.7 as of this morning). I shouldn't be staying put. I should have been able to lose SOMETHING over the last 8 months. Now granted, it's technically been 3 weeks since I've gotten serious and logged every day and not just the week days, but I'm not small so I don't understand why I'm not going anywhere. I could see if I had already lost some weight and needed to switch things up, but this baffles me. I talked to a trainer at my gym who said sodium wouldn't be the reason that I wasn't losing ANYTHING and gaining for this long, but that's the only thing I seem to have a problem with. Can anyone offer up any advice? I'm incredibly frustrated!


  • tashajasmine
    tashajasmine Posts: 37 Member
    If you are hitting the gym, especially weights, you could be gaining muscle. I went to 123 fit for two years and stayed the same basic weight but lost a pants size. Maybe try to focus on cardio and leave weights alone.
  • My response is a bit personal, but I know for me, hormones and cycles can cause a swing of up to eight pounds on a monthly basis. The weight just melts away as rapidly as it came on. This might be the case for you as well, on a smaller scale. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Are you eating late at night or right before bed? And staying under your calories is important, but even more important - making sure they're the right kind of calories. I can easily stay under 1200 eating nothing but hotpockets throughout the day, but that isn't an effective strategy to becoming healthy OR for losing weight.

    Sorry you are going through such a rough patch. I'm sending good vibes your way and rooting for you! Don't get discouraged...
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Hello! I am not a professional but I know how you feel. It sounds cliche but for some people (not me) is easier to loose weight. I am the same way. Last week I lost 3 lbs and then this week nada!
    Few things I notices and learned reading:
    1. Sodium makes the body retain water, more water in your body more weight. So we need to drink a lot of water, not liquids, water. At least 64oz a day when not working out.
    2. Are you sure your portions are teh right size? Maybe you are understimate them.
    3. Make sure you are logging everything you put in your mouth so you know for sure how much you are eating.
    4. try to eat as clean as possible: whole grain and lean meats, that alone will help you.
    5. workout as often as you can!
    I have a friend who lost 60lbs and she said it took her 2 weeks to start loosing and she was always loosing every other week. One week she would loose between 2 and 5 lbs and then the next week nothing.
    I think if you are making sure you are logging in everything, are eating the good stuff, working out and eating between 1200 and 1600 you will losse weight, it is just a matter of time.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    :flowerforyou: Focus on measuring yourself. The scales are a nightmare, especially if you are prone to an excess sodium diet.

    You need to remember that your body is between 50% and 70% water!!!! Yes, that's a huge amount of water that fluctuates all the time. Sodium enhances that and water weight is THE most frustrating thing to cope with when dealing with scales.

    If you can't deal with the sodium yet, measure your success by Measure only. Buy a tape and measure each critical point (bust, waist, hips, widest part, thighs, arms, calf) Try on the same clothes weekly. If you are logging (everything!!!!!), eating a calorie deficit and exercising you will be losing FAT, which is the main concern here. Weight is just a number. And the scales are evil!! :devil:

    Other than that hun, you may have an underlying medical issue, which maybe your DR can help with? But I doubt that is the case..........

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Im in the same boat but I did just have a baby 3 months ago......:love: Breastfeeding has done NOTHING so hopefully when I ween him off I'll be in the group that only loses after b-feeding and I get my cycle back. I have started to do many different exercises throughout the week. Not just my 45-60 minutes on the treadmill. I am going to a friends 3 days a week for an hour to do Wii fit(fun as hell btw) and the elliptical. I have set my goal at 1 lb a week as to not sabotage myself and I try to be under my carbs and sodium and over my protein. So switch it up, drink more water, eat less sodium and weigh yourself the day after you HAVE NOT exercised(not a professional opinion but a personal experience). We are about the same weight so I'll send you a friend request so we can motivate each other :smile:
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    al. I have set my goal at 1 lb a week as to not sabotage myself and I try to be under my carbs and sodium and over my protein. So switch it up, drink more water, eat less sodium and weigh yourself the day after you HAVE NOT exercised(not a professional opinion but a personal experience). We are about the same weight so I'll send you a friend request so we can motivate each other :smile:
    Hmm I've never thought about weighing myself after an off day. Worth a shot! Thanks :)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks guys! This is all great advice. I will be using it next week, and hopefully I will be able to report a loss!!!! You guys are amazing!
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