Just saying "Hi"

Yahme Posts: 25 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I just want to say "Hi" to all and to check to see if I set up my ticker right..... :smile:


  • Yahme
    Yahme Posts: 25 Member
    So, what is the secret to seeing your ticker... It says I have one set up, but I don't see it on the message board.
  • hello and welcome. to post your ticker on the message boards. on your profile under your ticker it should say add to your site. Click on that, copy the bbcode and paste it into the message board before posting. hope that was helpful.
  • Yahme
    Yahme Posts: 25 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Well, I'm not totally computer literate, but here is my attempt... Thanks for the info, I hope this works.:smile:
  • Yahme
    Yahme Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah!!! Thanks, that did work, sooooooo now does that mean you have to do copy/paste each time or is it there now? This will be my test...
  • Yahme
    Yahme Posts: 25 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    So, I guess you have to paste it each time, that seems like a lot of extra work. No way to make it post automatically?
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