My cheating story... Please learn from me

So I visit my parents without notice tonight (Fri) and find my father cooking fried potatoes & onions and fried pork chops. Just thinking about walking out of there without experiencing the satisfying comfort food I grew up with made my eyes cross. Each bite of potatoe had the kiss of a little bacon grease he used to fry them. The chops were the moist perfectly seasoned, moist mouthfuls of fried, meaty goodness I ever had.

I HAD been treating my body so well with portion control, calorie consciousness, and regular exercise... I immediately started justifying each swallow with my rough mental calorie calculations - I shoveled, had salad for lunch, was well underway to be under calories... I drank 5 glasses of water afterwards as if that would somehow undo the deed I enjoyed so much.

What had I done? This was beyond cheating. This was like leaving all the lights on with neon signs pointing to the open bedroom door with "Let's Get It On" piped throughout your house while carousing with the boss's husband while hosting an office party kind of bad.

My brother told me, "Dana, your body isn't prepared to handle the greasy assault". Oh my, was he right. The revolt in my stomach began with a few twinges then all-out warfare. Greasy gas is sneaky. I will leave it at that. My feet started to fall asleep as I tried to wait out the vile yummys that were trying to escape with tortuous sluggishness. There was always more!

I knew I had to mitigate the damage I caused somehow. So I decided to forego the evening's 30 Day Shred and bust out the P90X Kenpo. I finished the entire workout by imagining punching and kicking away heaping plates of my dad's potatoes & onions and dangling chops.

I don't know if there is another chapter to this saga in store for me tomorrow but I'm glad I have MFP to vent (and some great books I've needed to find the time to read anyway). At least one person on here can relate. Right?

Cheaters NEVER win. :embarassed:
And the guilt is wrecking my psyche right now. I can't sleep.:frown:


  • michellesisreed
    michellesisreed Posts: 24 Member
    Darn if only I would have read this before I went to dinner tonight because I to cheated.....Red Lobster yes loads of yummy chedder bay biscuits and well not the healthy grilled shrimp but the fried......Oh when will we stop our cheating hearts.

    Its ok because we are still fancy!
  • BlueEyedTwin333
    This is one of the reason's my diets never work. Haha but I'm starting to learn that one bad day of greasy food, does not a diet failure make. You're doing great! So keep it up and don't let one night of comfort food bring you down! :)
  • Jonya1271
    Jonya1271 Posts: 8 Member
    I tend to do something similar. Each time I attempt a weight loss program, whether it's just changing the way I eat, or going all out with tons of water and exercise, and meal replacement crap, I fall into the same pattern. I start to see improvement, and then decide I can "reward" myself for the progress I've made by eating some forbidden "no no food" that I had completely banned from entering my oral cavity. BAAAD MOVE!! I always fall into the same old bad eating habits after the "reward" so I just can't do that anymore. Cheating on a diet is like cheating at a game of chess you're playing against yourself. You're only cheating yourself.
  • stephreed11
    stephreed11 Posts: 158 Member
    I've learned that the best way for me to stick with it & not throw in the towel when I eat "bad", is realizing that everything in moderation is key. That it's okay to live a little & give in when we have a craving, if we don't, we might give up & binge. I make room in my food diary for little treats through out the day & it helps me stick with the plan because I don't feel deprived!
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    LOL OK first os all just call your parents during dinner time, or visit when they aren't eating lol. Everyone has bad days. You are right about not having your body used to the food after a while. It happened to me too. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged. After all it was just one day.
  • ifeelsqueaky
    Good story! I will definitely think twice before I eat something delicious but deadly!
  • Huskychemist
    Huskychemist Posts: 75 Member
    Great story and thanks for sharing. I cheated last night, too. But in my case, it was a planned cheat. I live in Romania and really miss all of the comfort food of home. (You know, like cheeseburgers, for example.)

    So a group of us went to the Hard Rock Cafe last night. This is a place I wouldn't normally go when I'm home in the U.S. for summer, but over here, it was a great respite amongst familiar sights and sounds. (LIke Twisted Sister telling us they weren't going to take it on the video screen.) And the cheeseburger was AWESOME!

    But I planned a few extra heavy workouts this week and kept the Calories a bit lower yesterday to compensate. Of course, I still went way over my Calories yesterday. Oh well. Today I've had a healthy breakfast and lunch and will continue the day with a healthy snack and sensible dinner.

    Don't get too down about cheating. Just try to cheat a bit 'lighter' next time...hehehe.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    LOL I don't feel so bad about the Italian sub and 2 slices of pizza I ate last night. “I haven't been eating bad” is how I told myself I could get away with it. Let's just say I was “humidified” (via Ruby from Style Network) when I put my info in last night. That was enough to make me want to stick to being healthy. Be encouraged, that was one meal. And I’m sure like me you learned your lesson. Today is a brand new day with brand new choices!!
  • luvmy3kidz
    Thank you all for the affirmation that I was just being human. I was prayerful that someone else could empathize and help me sort out my bad decision. I didn't think I deprived myself of occasional treats but I had not been faced with a meal like that which resonated with me emotionally and hit all my senses.

    Thanks SO much!
  • roxannem
    I just figure when you fall off the horse you get back on.Don't torcher yourself sounds like you are doing a awesome job so why brow beat yourself cause you over indulged, we are all here for support and no how hard it can be. Good Luck to you♥
  • Snoweena
    It's not's making a choice that wasn't the best. You have learned from it, now just choose to eat a little lighter today and tomorrow, do a bit more exercise and you will be are doing brilliantly, just focus on now not what you can't change x