slow weight!

Hi, I started my weight loss challenge two weeks ago. The first week I lost 2 pounds, but this week ..NOthing! Has anyone else had this problem? I ate the same and worked out the same as before, but no results.


  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152

    There are some posts in the forums that cover this but two of the reasons could be;

    a). the first week was mainly water loss
    b). in the second week as you are exercising you are toning up your muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. So you are getting slimmer but not lighter.

    Have you measured yourself ? This is another way to keep track of the fitness and tone rather than just weight alone.

  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hi ya,i have been loosing for a year now steady rate,and i thought i would start being super good and drink my water!
    Well i lost nothing for 4 weeks! i was at my wits end even upped the old exersice...still nothing!
    monday i was feeling so bummed off so i had a nautghyish day(dont tell)! and didnt even bother with my water! i had lost 5 lb over night...whattttt
    so i figured it was my water so i havent had any water since and omg i have found my weight loss again! i am now another 6lb lighter again!
    BUT i do recomend water if you are already on it stay on it....
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Your body isn't a machine. There will be weeks, when you will lose. There will be weeks you will lose nothing or even gain a little. It could be water weight, TOM, gaining of muscle mass. Don't expect a constant losing. It's a long process. And maybe you will even hit a plateau once. All you can do is giving your best. It can be discouraging, but this journey is so worth it.
    If it's really bothering you, try to change your work outs a bit, eat a bit more or less ... just experiment.
    Losing weight also means that you will have to learn new things about your body and how it reacts to your actions.
  • royam01
    royam01 Posts: 123
    Hey! I am having the same issue. I have been on here since Jan 1st and have only lost 3 pounds... I guess I figured I would lose more, but to be honest any weightloss is good so I will take it :happy: I still have 22lbs to go but I still have 3 1/2 months to do it. If things dont kick into gear soon I will probably take my calorie intake to 1200 cal a day (right now its at 1490) I dont like eating just 1200 calories I think its a bit cruel lol Good luck though! I am sure whatever we have lost is exactly what our bodies are willing to let us lose for now. I have done this all before and I have actually quit before because I wasnt seeing the results I thought I should. But that will never happen again! I'm in it for the long haul!!!! :)
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Everybody's body is different, and I've found that I can go weeks with next to nothing for loss, then it just catches up while my body adjusts. Also, make sure you're eating enough calories, don't try to go to low or you can throw your body into starvation mode.

    Sometimes if I've been on the lower calorie, higher activity mode for a while, I need to just give it a rest, and eat a lot of calories one day (some people will call that a "cheat" day, but I don't think of it as cheating since I don't have a diet mindset) and it will jump start my metabolism.

    Find what works for you. Either way, slow weight loss is good weight loss because you're doing it correctly and making a lifelong change, not a short term "diet".
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Don't rely on just weighin' yourself...that is a huge downer at times. Take measurements of yourself...Inches off are wonderful as well. You stickin' to a strict diet or eatin' whatever you like...It takes Patience as my Husband says and keeps tellin' me ... :) Keep your head up ...xo
  • Deberlin88
    Deberlin88 Posts: 70 Member
    Kind of ditto what Galathea & Sabrads said.

    When I first started my weight loss journey 3 years ago, I knew that I wanted to go the "slowly, but surely" route. Yes, it can be frustrating to not see the weight go down, but it's all in how your body feels, too. Even within the past month, I haven't lost much weight but I lost an inch in my waist. My jeans that were getting tight again are already starting to fit better. Try not to get too discouraged. Like Galathea, I broke down my total weight loss goal into mini-goals and celebrated each 5-10 lbs weight loss. It made the overall goal less overwhelming to reach.

    The times you do hit a plateau (and it happens to *everyone*), switch something up: add 15 more minutes of daily cardio, increase the amount of reps in strength training, don't eat carbs for dinner, etc. Sometimes your body just gets too used to what you're doing and the change kickstarts everything again.
  • Deberlin88
    Deberlin88 Posts: 70 Member
    Good for you! Keep up that positive attitude. :smile:
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    Ditto what everyone else has said. - - - Definitely measure yourself every couple of weeks. I haven't lost any weight in nearly a month, but I lost 1.5 inches off my waist. - - - Change up your exercise routine. And - - - DO NOT come in way under on your calories every day. You can't burn a fire without fuel!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi :drinker: It's hard to really say maybe open up your diary even to friends only the more support you can get with feedback is priceless :flowerforyou: I started off really rocky on this journey and someone said one word to me SODIUM!! plus are you drinking your water everyday :drinker: So my question to you is are you tracking those in your diary if not try adding them as one to track and see how the diary looks :heart:

    Good luck you will get there :bigsmile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The less you have to lose, the slower it'll go, and the slower it SHOULD go. :smile:
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    hi ya,i have been loosing for a year now steady rate,and i thought i would start being super good and drink my water!
    Well i lost nothing for 4 weeks! i was at my wits end even upped the old exersice...still nothing!
    monday i was feeling so bummed off so i had a nautghyish day(dont tell)! and didnt even bother with my water! i had lost 5 lb over night...whattttt
    so i figured it was my water so i havent had any water since and omg i have found my weight loss again! i am now another 6lb lighter again!
    BUT i do recomend water if you are already on it stay on it....

    That is crazy, I drink like 96 ounces of water, hhhmm thats got me thinking.
  • debcarv
    debcarv Posts: 256 Member
    I have the same problem, in fact I was up a pound this a.m.. This week I exercised more than usual too, just gets frustrating for sure. Maybe I should avoid my extra calories and stick with the 1200.