The Biggest Loser Challenge -Wii

for_a_mittengrl Posts: 93 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I was looking to buy this game cause I read a few reviews and it sounded like it might be worth the buy. Does anyone use this game? Love it? Hate it? I just wanted any thoughts before I went ahead and ordered it.

ooorrrrrrr..... Does anyone have any other suggestions DVDs, Games, I am more of a game person cause I feel like I can monitor more of what I am doing (rights and wrongs).

any feedback or suggestions are appreciated :)

Also feel free to add me! I am always accepting more friends to take a fitness journey with :)


  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I got the 2011 version for Christmas this year and i've been using it daily. It has some funny quirks and some things I wish I could change, but overall, we're really enjoying it and I know both my husband and I are both sweating at the end of it.

    You will need resistance bands and a stability ball on top of the game (I didn't know that until after we'd started the workouts...I haven't found out how to turn that off....but I now have both)
  • for_a_mittengrl
    for_a_mittengrl Posts: 93 Member
    I didn't know you needed those things either. I do have resistance bands, but not a stability ball. Thanks for your input! :)
  • I don't have that, but I have Wii fit. It's ok. I like just walking or jogging better. Some of the games are fun though.
  • I have the biggest loser and the biggest loser more challenges both for the wii. I love them both, I highly recommend them.
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