
Hi, I really want to tone up my legs, especially my thighs and bum!
What exercises will help with this (apart from squats, because I do them already)?

I need to do quite easygoing exercise as I have a problem with my back and I don't want to aggravate it :(

Thanks guys! x


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member

    If you stand with the ball of your feet on the edge of the stair and go up and down like your standing on your toes, That will help your calves
    When you go up the stairs you skip a stair it will help your thighs.

    If you do use a treadmill you can also incline it for a few minutes a couple of times and that will help to.
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    Cycling is fantastic for toning legs and bum!
  • tinkerbell1964
    Lean up against the wall , then slide down so your in a sitting postion with your back pressed against the wall and try and stay there for as long as you can , really good for thighs
  • carolineamico
    Get on all fours, like you're playing "horsie" with a toddler. Then lift your leg behind you, knee bent, toes pointed toward the ceiling. Do about 10, and then switch. Then try to do 10 more. Repeat until WORN OUT.

    A similar version is instead of going up to the ceiling, pivot your leg out to the side, knee still bent. If you don't know what I mean, I will try to clarify:
    Your leg is already bent when you are on all fours. Keep it in the same position, but pivot AT THE HIP, so that your knee is pointing to the WALL. Then place back down toward the floor. Repeat 10 times, then switch legs. Etc.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    BRAZIL BUTT LIFT! It is literally the ONLY thing out there that does everything in 30 min! Message me if you would like more details as I am not allowed to add links on topics.

  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Lunges and squats help also. Good luck.
  • tinkerbell1964
    Cycling is fantastic for toning legs and bum!

    Totally agree, and so i bought myself an exercise bike for £40 in Tesco's sale, and it burns off loads of calories too
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    Cycling is fantastic for toning legs and bum!

    Totally agree, and so i bought myself an exercise bike for £40 in Tesco's sale, and it burns off loads of calories too

    That's great! :D
    I can't wait for it to warm up so I can start riding my bike!
  • dhutt2011
    dhutt2011 Posts: 77 Member
    Would have to agree with the donkey kicks and leg lifts, those will do it all the time!
  • hs100
    hs100 Posts: 14
    Thanks everyone :) I'm getting my gym membership back soon (I had to cancel it before because I wasn't using it due to my back problem) so will be spending a lot of time on the exercise bikes and treadmill! x