15 down....12 to go

Inkedsquid Posts: 42
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all,

so here is a little about me (I'll try and not be long winded.)

When I was in my teens and early twenties I did some modeling as side work (mostly car and bike modeling.) I am 5'8" and I was always between 115 and 120...(I know, I'm soooo jealous of 5 years ago me.) I NEVER worked out or watched what I ate, but I stayed thin by being active. Once or twice a month I had a modeling gig, and the rest of the time I was a manager at a fast food restaurant (50 hrs a week) and a part time house cleaner (10 hrs a week.)

Once I got older I stopped modeling and at some point put on a little weight (I stayed between 135 and 140), then I decided to enlist in the Navy. The military lifestyle can be much healthier than that of a civilian...i started working out several times a week, and someone who had never ran before in her life, now does 5ks for recreation....but I went from being on my feet, from being in constant motion 60+ hrs a week, to sitting in a classroom for 40 hrs a week (the training for my job is 2 years long.) Anyway, after being in for just a year, I got up to 160 lbs (20 pounds HEAVIER than when I first left for boot camp) when I went home on leave the first time, my family couldn't stop talking about how much weight I had gained (thanks guys, good to see y'all too!)
I guess my problem was, I kept eating as if I was active, so I was consuming a LOT more calories than I was burning and the pounds just snuck up on me FAST. When I finally started my diet, I was just over 160....now, 10 months and 15 pounds later, I am at 147 with a goal weight of 135.

I realize that I am by no means grossly overweight, but to join the military and GAIN twenty pounds is completely unacceptable....I don't know if anyone else has ever been in my shoes, but if anyone here knows of support groups for people with just 10 or so pounds left, please fill me in, cuz these last few pounds do NOT wanna go anywhere (I'm hoping myfitnesspal will help me out.)

Thanks for reading!!



  • pinkprincessness
    pinkprincessness Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Mary, I am working on my last 10 pounds also. It can be VERY frustrating!! This website is a HUGE help though!! I am sure you will find tons of support and ideas here!!
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    You are over half way there and I'm betting that there are a lot of people on this site that only have about 10 to go but they may not participate as much as others. I'm your same height and also have never been terribly heavy but I usually get serious when I"m about 10-15 lbs overweight. I think its great you recognized the problem before you continued on with your pattern of taking in too many calories. I"m down to 5 lbs to go and believe me the closer you are to goal, the harder it is. I periodically get to my goal and then figure I can let up and then 6 months later I"m right back where I started. So even though those last 10 lbs are going to be hard, hang tough and keep doing what you've done for the first 15. Once at goal, you can adjust your calories up 'a bit' but don't be like me and waste all your efforts. Stick with it and keep writing down your foods and it will stay off! Good Luck!
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    Great going. Keep it up.
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