Cardio requirements

I'm a 47 to female trying to lose 39 more lbs. I'm currently in the gym 4-5 days a week and on either the treadmill (fat burn program) for up to 45 minutes and elliptical for 25 mintues. I'm not losing hardly any weight even though I'm tracking my every mouthful and calories expended.

Question: How much cardio is the right amount of cardio to break through weight? I'm getting frustrated with the effort vs benefit.



  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    3 days strength train 3 days cardio. At least 30 minutes of cardio on cardio days.
  • stephaniekendrick
    stephaniekendrick Posts: 87 Member
    I did the treadmill and not only was it boring, but I found I had to be on it for at least an hour and then the amount of calories I would burn just wasn't satisfying for the hard work I was doing.

    I started taking Zumba in the Fall as a friend of mine started teaching it. It's a little rough to start as learning the steps is hard, but once you stick with it you'll pick it up. In one hour of Zumba, you'll burn 400 calories easy and it's fun dancing that it doesn't feel like a workout. They have it for the Wii if you have one or also DVD's if you want to rent/buy those. If you already belong to a gym check to see if they offer any for classes that you could try out!

    Good luck!
  • alyssa83202
    I'm not really sure. I eat back my exercise calories, so I don't really think that they help me lose weight, but I do know that it helps me get in better shape which is half of my goal!

    Someone on here told me that weight loss is all about how much of a calorie deficit you have. Whether you achieve your deficit through exercise (and therefore burning calories), simply eating fewer calories, or a combination of the two, you should still try to stay at your calorie goal and will therefore (most likely) lose the same amount of weight either way you chose to do it!

    I hope that helps!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Re-programme the treadmill for intervals and do half the time, you burn a lot more calories that way.
  • db2347
    db2347 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 47 as well and shooting for about the same goal. (I had a bad year with way too much work travel last year, I got sloppy) I am doing 2, 30 minute stints on the elliptical a day. What I can say is that it seems like nothing is happening for days, then suddenly i am down a pound. Don't obsess about it. Focus on making life style changes and the rest will come.

    The real goal is to be where you want to be for the rest of your life right? So it that is the case, you really have to not worry about the little steps on the path, the individual pounds today, you have to make sure that your life habits change right? Good luck. You will make it.:smile:
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    switch up the type of exercise!! Your body is used to what you are doing. Also, search out calorie confusion. Its good for plateaus.