Being Sick and Water Retention

I have a question for everyone....... When we are sick, do our bodies retain water?
I started getting sick on Wednesday and have been pretty sick since Thursday. I am one of those people who weighs themselves everyday (out of curiosity - I know that it fluctuates daily, and only focus on my weekly weigh-in) and have noticed this week I haven't really lost anything. Last Sunday - 258.5, Monday - 257.5, Tuesday - 258, Wednesday - 257.5, Thursday - 257.5, Friday - 257.5, Today - 259 (Little Caesar's Last Night = additional water retention). Tomorrow's weigh-in and if I only lost 1lb this week that would be okay as a loss is a loss. :) But I was just curious if some of this could be water retention from being sick.


  • HealthyGirl222
    Water retention is the bodies way of protecting us from free radicals and toxins (ie. chemicals found in processed foods, aspartame, salt, etc) We can also retain water when we don`t drink enough of it.. Did you drink the amount of water you regularily drink in a week? Have you taken any cold medications or anything while sick? It doesn`t surprize me at all if you are prone to retaining water. I suggest you drink extra water today and I bet that will put an end to it. Also eliminate salt today ALL TOGETHER. If you do, you should see a drop on the scale in the a.m.! :)

    Nutrition Coach
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    Water retention is the bodies way of protecting us from free radicals and toxins (ie. chemicals found in processed foods, aspartame, salt, etc) We can also retain water when we don`t drink enough of it.. Did you drink the amount of water you regularily drink in a week? Have you taken any cold medications or anything while sick? It doesn`t surprize me at all if you are prone to retaining water. I suggest you drink extra water today and I bet that will put an end to it. Also eliminate salt today ALL TOGETHER. If you do, you should see a drop on the scale in the a.m.! :)

    Nutrition Coach

    I took NyQuil Wednesday and Thursday night. I have been using cough drops (not enough to add too many calories). Yesterday was the only day I didn't drink enough water. I've been within sodium limit everyday, except Monday (only 95mg over) and yesterday (reason for additional water retention as previously indicated).

    I'll try to drink extra water today. :)
