New too!

I'm new to fitness pal.... well actually using it that is. I was wondering if anyone else had done the dvd biggest looser walk? Was wondering how you were coding the exercises... it's more calories than just a 4mph fast walk... especially #2 and #3... I have been tempted to put them under aerobics, general.... ideas?


  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Hi and welcome. Sorry to say I am not using that dvd. I just walk on a treadmill at the gym and do weights.
  • XxJar3dxX
    XxJar3dxX Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome all. I have been using this program on my Droid phone and just started using it on the computer. I run 10-12 miles every week and do P90x. I am in pretty good shape 6'7 230 and single digit body fat %. I love this site because it helps me keep in shape and modivates me.