Shreddin' Eleven, Week Three



  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    just finished L2 day 2 (15 days total for the shred for me 1/2 done!) I am wiped out, dang I miss the first level. I didn't know I even had shoulder muscles but they are screamin' today. Back to telling Jillian to shut up. She is so abused! Hope by the end of this level I will be back to loving her again.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Level 2 Day 4 for me. Some of the exercises are getting easier (I couldn't do the plank oblique twists in the beginning so was doing crunches but I can do the obliques now). My HR didn't go so high today either but I did stop for some water - funny how Jillian is so strict on people drinking water when they're working out on Biggest Loser but now it's "NO STOPPING!"

    I've also been having some knee issues so I just work in other cardio moves instead of being so jumpy. Steady does it!

    Won't be on day 5 until Tueday as I have my dance class tomorrow night. Good luck everyone!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    sgreene -- Happy halfway!! Great job! L0L, I'm sure Jillian's quite used to the abuse! :)

    D6L2 completed this afternoon, after a 25 minute run around the cold, snowy neighborhood. Felt GREAT! My arms still feel like jelly, since I stuck with the 5lb weights again today. Had to take the 5 second break a couple of times through the last strength set, but I made it. I'm feeling so much stronger with each day I do the Shred, because I push myself each time; no excuses! ;) Time to hit the shower, do a little shopping and then relax at home with the family! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    queenmedusa -- Well done on building up to the oblique twists! They are certainly not easy! I suppose since it's only 20 minutes, she figures we can last that long without water. I, too, have to stop for a quick sip of water on some days during the Shred. Enjoy your dance class!
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I still have to do L2 D6 today, but wasn't able to post yesterday cause I was working a 12 hour shift. Glad everyone is doing well with keeping up. Does anyone know what they are going to do next after they are done with the shred. I would like to lose weight and continue to tone. any suggestions?

    Hello! I still have 24 days to go but I bought two other JM exercise DVD: no more troble zone and the boost metabolism one. Each one of them is 45 min long and my plan is to switch between them and Turbo Jam. Each day one of those DVDs. Untill I am down few lbs and more confident to try Insanity, hopefully by end of March. I am planning to start Insanity April 1st, so I am done before going to Brazil.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Had to double up today because I had date night with hubby yesterday. I'm still a day behind. I have to double up tomorrow, but it won't be so bad because I don't go to the gym on Monday's, so shred will be my only workout. Then I think I should be all caught up!

    stats are a little low today. I don't know if it was because of my intensity or because my body is getting used to the moves. I'm just not burning as much as in the past. I hate level 1, well not level 1, just all the friggin' jumping jacks. (SPOILER WARNING!) I have a love hate relationship with level 3. The plyometric moves in the last cardio portion is killer. Also, I'm still can't do the jumping lunges.

    So here's my stats: I know that no one really cares, its more for me than anything :)
    level 1 (day 14)
    211 calories
    128 avg hr
    158 max hr
    64% of target hr zone

    level 3 (day 15)
    212 calories (only one more calorie than level 3 wtf??)
    128 avg
    158 max
    64% of target hr zone.

    I plan those figures on doing them back to back. Maybe I was a little tired, esp doing it after zumba! :noway:
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Done with L1D7! Getting better little by little! Hope you all had a great weeka nd are ready for the following week! thank you all for keeping me motivated and on task!
  • bluebeta
    Juliana1977-good luck, let me know how you like it, I have been debating between chalean extreme or turbofire, but I'm not too much on aerobics so I'm not sure what to do.
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Level 2 day 3 (16 days total). I started out strong and ended weak but I still pushed through it. Unfortunately I had to stop the dvd twice today to suck in some air and water. I never had to do that on level one. So I am anticipating that I may have to stay at this level a little longer than I had planned, if this level is this intense I am scared to see level 3. I am sooo out of shape but getting stronger each day. I will get through this whole level without stopping that is my goal. I need to learn to breath properly, I think that may be half the battle.
  • mdaniella
    mdaniella Posts: 42 Member
    I did day 1 of it yesterday and i'm SO SORE TODAY..idk if I should try to do it through the soreness or skip a day?
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Juliana -- Let me know how you like the other JM workout DVDs. I'm really interested in more of her DVDs (I have Yoga Meltdown currently, as well as 30DS). Great job on getting through your first 7 days of the Shred. Keep up the good work!! :)

    Leela -- You ROCK, lady! Doing SO much good for your body... so inspiring! Keep up your great work, and I'm certain you will see great results by the end of the Shred! :)

    bluebeta -- What type of workouts do you enjoy the most?

    sgreene -- Proper breathing technique really does make a world of difference. Once I got my breathing under control while running, it opened up a whole new world of endurance to me. Keep at it, you will get it!! Great job on completing your workout, and no worries if you have to spend more than 10 days at Level 2... you've got a great attitude! :)

    mdaniella -- It's ultimately up to you and how much you think your body can stand. Personally, I worked through the pain of the first three days and so far I've done the Shred every day this month. Now, having said that, I did take a break from it this morning (I plan to fit it into my evening instead!) because I did a LOT of exercise over the weekend and my muscles just plain needed the break this morning (plus, my bed was just TOO comfy today, haha!). My personal plan is to complete the Shred in 30 days, then revise the plan from there to fit my ongoing needs. Just listen to your body, yet know that our bodies are often stronger than we give them credit for, and decide from there. Best wishes!!

    Like I just mentioned, I skipped the Shred this morning because of everything I put my body through over the weekend (very sore muscles!), plus I felt a little unwell first thing this morning (oh, and needed the extra sleep apparently!), BUT, I WILL fit D7L2 in to my evening, in order to stay on track. Will pick up doing it first thing in the morning again tomorrow. I can hardly believe Level 3 is just right around the corner (Friday!) for me... wow! I've also picked back up on my half marathon training (though not quite as rigorous as I'd tried to start out at the beginning of the year), which makes me feel much better! Have a GREAT day, everyone, and I'll be back on here later to report my D7L2 results. :)
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    Okay. I have skipped a few days in the past 2 weeks, but, been very good about my diet. Overall, I have lost 10lbs!!! I need to keep this up!

    I also wanna take my measurements again soon. I believe that I lost a bit there too.

    Good Job to everyone still doing this! I do know how hard it is!
  • bluebeta
    Mary- I'm not sure what kind of workouts I like. This seems to be the only one I have even bothered to stick with. I'm just afraid that I might get bored with it. I'm not sure though, I've stuck with it so far. Weigh in day today I'll let you guys know how it goes. I am on D7 L2. I've already done my elliptical today but not the shred. Will get to it soon cause my daughter has a ballgame and I don't want to do it afterwards.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I felt the same way and I will tell you it took at least a week for my body to get used to it, but now I kind miss being a little sore (I know weird...) so I can really feel my! I would not skip, just do it a little easier, if you skip it will take longer for the soreness to go away. Give it a try!
    I did day 1 of it yesterday and i'm SO SORE TODAY..idk if I should try to do it through the soreness or skip a day?
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi guys I posted this here before but I just checked Exercise Tv and they have the following JM workout:
    30 day shred level1
    6 week 6 pack level 1
    boost metabolism
    Shred it weights 1
    yoga meltdown

    Just sharing!
  • mdaniella
    mdaniella Posts: 42 Member
    Yeah I skipping it this morning BUT will do it this evening..since i don't want to give up! I'm really sore..but that's okay..i'm feeling better then i did this morning.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sgreen, great job staying with it! I usually sip some water right before we hit the mat for abs! Just a suggestion!

    Writenovels, great job on the loss!!

    Juliana, thanks for the exercisetv tip. I like to do the crunch *kitten* and abs from time to time.

    blue, great job on the elliptical workout.

    mdaniella, great job on staying committed.

    So today was my day 16 and 17 so I am back on track:
    I am not burning as many calories, and its getting a little frustrating. Yesterday I thought it was because of my intensity, but today, I left all the sweat and tears on the floor and I still came up short. My user info on my hrm is lower than when I first started this month. So I guess now that I weigh less, I'm burning less. I hate to make excuses, but my hrm didn't reflect how my sweaty, sticky body felt after level 2 and level 3 BACK-TO-BACK! UGHHH! But I won't give up. I'll be back to fight the good fight tomorrow.

    level 2 avg hr 121, max hr 154, cal 188, 61% of target hr
    level 3 avg hr 121, max hr 155, cal 196, 61% of target hr
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    WriteNovels -- Congrats on the 10lb loss!!! Keep up the good work!

    bluebeta -- This is the first workout DVD I've stuck with like this, too. I have a variety of other workout DVDs, and I like adding to my collection from time to time to keep things fresh, so I don't get bored. It's worth giving a variety of things a try to see what you really take to and what you just plain don't enjoy. :) Let us know how the weigh in goes!

    Juliana -- Thank you for sharing the ExerciseTV workouts! :)

    mdaniella -- Well done for sticking with it!! I hope Day 2 goes well for you. :)

    Leela -- I don't think you're making excuses, especially if you felt you gave the workouts all you could, which I have no doubt you did!! Great attitude, sticking with it regardless of the frustration. I'm sure you're getting great results along the way! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    This evening, I completed D7L2. Three more days of Level 2 for me... a little apprehensive about Level 3, yet excited for a new routine. My arms feel like jelly every time I do the Shred, which is GREAT, seeing as my arms have long been soooo weak. So happy to be getting some arm strength these days! Back to first thing in the morning shredding for me tomorrow, and the rest of the week. Looking forward to my weigh in results on Thursday. Have a great week, everyone! :)
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I cant believe I only have two more days with level one!! It flew by!!
    Today I also did besides Shred and Turbo Jam an extra 40 minutes in the Elliptical.
    I am pooped! lol! Ready to go to bed!!

    TeamLeela - your avarage HR is awesome, wish my was that low. My average is too high what is a problem b/c we need a lower average between 100-130 to burn fat, mine is always above 140! It shows how out of shape I am... I am getting there! But it is hard to bring down during shred b/c of the intensity. The good thing is that I am improving my cardiovascular conditioning and maybe one day will be able to bring these numbers down.