Newbie - have been using this site for about a month

My name is Kerry and my friend told me about this site.

Thanks Mike for making such a great and easy to use site.

I have about 50 lbs to lose, I was on cancer treatment and the steroids made me gain so much weight, I was hungry all the time. My Oncologist told me that it was better to gain weight than it was to loose. So I guess to make sure I gained lots! LOL! Now we are going on a cruise to Hawaii and I'd like to look my best, so I'm hoping I can make some big changes in 3 and a half months.

I respond fairly quickly to free weights, and I know I need cardio every day to feel good. I read about one person who did 15 minute workouts all day, what a great way to go. I sometimes will do squats or lunges while I'm waiting for supper to cook or while I'm watching TV. I can see a difference in my thighs, I have a bit of muscle definition now.

I look forward to getting to know everyone, and I wish you all great success.


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Hi Kerry, welcome to the site. It's fairly addicting! Congratulations on a successful cancer treatment and with that positive attitude you have, you'll lose that 50 lbs. in no time. Jealous of the Hawaii cruise! Good luck, you can do this!