Recording Exercise Info

Okay, I just have to ask- do most of you record the closest thing you can find on here as far as workouts go, or if you're using a machine do you use what the machine says you burned? I see some of these numbers from the machines on here, set at the same pace, etc. and the calories burned are way over the mark from what the machines tell me at the gym. I just entered what the machines said at the gym, because otherwise, it would've doubled my calories burned on here. It just makes me a little bit skeptical to record things outside of the machines that don't tell me what I've burned. I know that age, weight, pace, incline, tension, etc. will all have an effect on the overall burn, but with a lot of the numbers I see, it just seems like a lot and I don't want to over-estimate my burn and then go over my calories. Make sense?

Please give me your insight on this, as I don't want to overrun my calories, but at the same time it's kind of discouraging to see someone burn twice the calories in half the time on here, doing the same workout I did.

I appreciate your input!:smile: