I hope I can stick with this!!!!!

nlj28 Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I'm almost 38 yrs old and have been overweight most of my life. My lack of motivation is my biggest problem. Of course, the overeating doesn't help either, I know. I found this site thanks to my best friend and I think it will be very helpful to me. I wish my self luck and luck to everyone here on their weight loss journey.


  • Hello and welcome! And quit hoping....just do it. It's hard sometimes. It sucks on occasion. But, if you want it, you can do it. Just get up every single day and DO IT! And if you need a friend to push you along, feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • i know what you mean i done this several times and then after a week im so over it ... ice cream here i d come lol.
    but now i know im worth so much more and im now my own motivation im not doing this for any one or anything but me
    it took me along time to get to that point.. you can do it just take it two pounds at a time i try not to look at how much i need to drop that to much to think about.. your worth and you can do it
  • you can do it I believe in you.
  • I know how you feel, I too have been there and it's not a happy place to be :( but Carol's right... We just have to do it! And the longer you do it for the easier it will get as you break bad habits and replace them with more helpful ones :)
    Feel free to add me so we can support each other if you like :)
  • I just joined yesterday, I feel the same way. I am so sick of starting and then stopping before I get to my goal...Hoping I will be motivated to stick with it!
  • eandrus
    eandrus Posts: 45 Member
    Maybe this will inspire you. I started with this site on Jan 1 and my loss so far is 8 pounds. That's a lot, but, I have over 100 pounds to lose, plus, I was bloated from the holidays, so I know my loss hereafter will be more like the 1.5 lbs a week that I put into my profile. Just so glad to have started. With their mobile app, I've found it so easy to track calories on my smartphone all throughout the day and to plan meals, even if just an hour ahead of time, because I have the tools at my fingertips. No complicated systems or calculations -- works with any diet or no "diet." Calories in, calories out. Point is, it works. Good luck! You're going to be pleasantly surprised.
  • You can do it! I have faith in you.
  • rstring
    rstring Posts: 35
    Here is a suggestion, don't call it a diet - call it a lifestyle change. I agree with "Eandrus" the mobile app is great! My method is 1-2 lbs a week - slow and easy - as there are no silver bullets to overnight weight loss that is going to stay off. Eating healthy, exercise and I agree that some people need "helpers" so I add natural supplements to the list.

    Congrats on making a decision to healthier!
  • nlj28
    nlj28 Posts: 2
    Thank you everyone for your reply and support. It really means a lot knowing I'm not in this alone! :happy:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    Hello and welcome! And quit hoping....just do it. It's hard sometimes. It sucks on occasion. But, if you want it, you can do it. Just get up every single day and DO IT!
    True story. :smile:
  • You can do this woman!!! I have no doubt about it! The biggest thing to remember for me is that you are gonna have bad days.. days when you want to eat everything in sight, and you might even do it, but don't let that deter you... chalk it up to a bad day and start again tomorrow!!! I had one of those days yesterday, and I beat myself up really bad... when I went to bed, I felt so bloated and disgusting. I realized that I'm gonna have days like those though. Don't stop eating EVERYTHING that you used to eat because if you do, that will make you HATE losing weight. Just cut back on your portions at first, and go from there! I love you, and I'm here whenever you need me! I'm super glad you are here!!!!
  • leelee03
    leelee03 Posts: 67 Member
    Having the app on my phone really helps me, besides the barcode scanner making it easier to track food, being able to constantly check on where i am makes me feel like I'm really doing something that makes a difference...I've counted my own calories before, and tried to track exercise and everything but felt like it was a waste of time because you don't see results right away. This program has helped me feel more proactive by showing me how i'm doing every day and even after every meal :D
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm almost 38 yrs old and have been overweight most of my life. My lack of motivation is my biggest problem. Of course, the overeating doesn't help either, I know. I found this site thanks to my best friend and I think it will be very helpful to me. I wish my self luck and luck to everyone here on their weight loss journey.

    Hello there! I have 3 P's that help me stay the course and never to give up. Persevere, Patience and Positive.

    Persevere, meaning never giving up no matter how many times you fall down. Success is never giving up.

    Patience, meaning to be OK with falling and making mistakes. You will not be perfect. No one is perfect. You did not get obese overnight so you will not lose weight overnight either. So be patient with yourself on this journey. You can do it but there will be plenty of bumps in the road.

    Positive, the most important one of all. Negativity will stop you before you even get out of the gate babe. It is so important to really believe you can and will do this. No beating yourself up when you make mistakes. Believing you can do it and believing in yourself!
    If you think you will fail then you will. This one takes effort. Look in the mirror everyday and say something positive about you and your goals. Stop dwelling on errors and negativity.

    Instead of hoping you can stick with this, say instead, I know I can stick with this! I will stick with this!, I can do this!, I will do this! Positive, Positive, Positive!

    Have a good week and keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
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