The affects of protein and dieting

Is it "affects" or "effects"???? Anyway, after keeping track of my food intake the past two days on MFP, I'm seeing a definite pattern of eating way more protein than is suggested. Does anyone have any idea whether this affects the way we lose weight? I know on the diet regimine I've been on, we were only allowed two proteins a day (6 oz of chicken breast, 5 oz lean ground beef and so on). The rest of the suggested numbers I'm doing fine...only the protein.


  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    protein is good it keeps you full longer while carbs and sugars make you hungry

    p.s its effects
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I agree with the above poster. Proteins are good for you. Especially Chicken & Fish.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    First I want to say that carbs are sugars/sugars are carbs. Second while protein is good for you WAY too much is bad. It is not good for your kidneys to try to break down massive amounts of protein, especially as you age and your organs naturally aren't as strong as they once were. Carbs can fill you up longer if you choose compex carbs instead of simple sugars. Eat whole grains and fruits and veggies. Yes you do need protein, especially when you are working out and building muscle, but more than you need is not good. Unless you are a body builder, I would try to keep your protein closer to the recommended numbers. Also remember that if most of your protein is coming from meat and cheese, you could be taking in higher amounts of saturated fats which will have an adverse effect on your blood cholesterol levels. Also what constitutes "a protein" in the diet you follow because a serving of meat is only 3oz. If you eat 3 servings of protein a day at 3oz each thats only 9oz, but if you count a serving in your meal plan as 6oz, 2 of those is 12oz, a whole extra serving, which would account for a lot of the extra protein
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I need extra protein to repair damage from working out. I reset my values to allow 5% more protein daily. I suggest if you are not going over on fats, reset your protein higher. I still keep my fats under 30% of calories most days.
    (To reset, go to your goals and use the custom settings.)
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Sorry to pick out something the previous poster wrote but it is another of those 'urban myths' too much protein will not harm your kidneys that is unless you are on 100% protein (which is surprisingly hard to do) & don't drink any water!!!
    The kidneys are amazing organs & normal healthy onescan happily deal with all the toxic waste created by the digestion of protein...anyone who has been long term on either the Atkins Diet or the Dukan Diet can testify to this. High sugar levels in the blood raised by sugars from carbs, fruit sugars or worst from alcohol cause much more damage.
    I would not worry if your protein is up as long as those proteins are coming mainly from poultry, fish, cottage cheese & eggs, rather from the higher saturated fat sources such as hard cheese & red meat. As long as you are also drinking plenty of water & also including fresh vegetables, some fruit & if you want wholegrains as well you will be fine.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I reset my ratio to 40/40/20 and 30 g Fiber. This works for how I naturally eat. Trying to eat the amount of carbs that my food tracker was set at doesn't work for my body. If I eat too many carbs (yes, the healthy ones) I get cravings for more.
    I find a higher protein amount satiating more so than a higher carb intake.
    My protein comes from lean sources and as a result my 20% fat setting is in the green at the end of the day.
    My tracker was set for 16 g F which for me was way too low. I naturally eat about 30 g of fiber per day.
    When I reset the ratios, I was suddenly in the green zone for all values.
  • aeragusa
    aeragusa Posts: 40 Member
    Don't know much about the protein thing, but here is my way of determining affect vs effect:

    Affect is a verb, or an it starts with an A! Effect is a noun and is...well, not an action, but by process of elimination it starts with an E :P So you can have an effect on someone/something, or you can affect someone/something.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Sorry to pick out something the previous poster wrote but it is another of those 'urban myths' too much protein will not harm your kidneys that is unless you are on 100% protein (which is surprisingly hard to do) & don't drink any water!!!
    The kidneys are amazing organs & normal healthy onescan happily deal with all the toxic waste created by the digestion of protein...anyone who has been long term on either the Atkins Diet or the Dukan Diet can testify to this. High sugar levels in the blood raised by sugars from carbs, fruit sugars or worst from alcohol cause much more damage.
    I would not worry if your protein is up as long as those proteins are coming mainly from poultry, fish, cottage cheese & eggs, rather from the higher saturated fat sources such as hard cheese & red meat. As long as you are also drinking plenty of water & also including fresh vegetables, some fruit & if you want wholegrains as well you will be fine.

    I would just counter this by saying I made these statements not based on "Urban Myths" But studies done in both nutrition and physiology. Just because you do something short term and it does not hurt you does not mean it will have the same effects in the long term. Would you say that just because one cigarette does not harm you that it is OK to smoke, even though studies have been done to prove that the cumulative effects of smoking can have adverse effects on lung function, heart disease and have been known to cause lung cancer? Do your research please
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Sorry to pick out something the previous poster wrote but it is another of those 'urban myths' too much protein will not harm your kidneys that is unless you are on 100% protein (which is surprisingly hard to do) & don't drink any water!!!
    The kidneys are amazing organs & normal healthy onescan happily deal with all the toxic waste created by the digestion of protein...anyone who has been long term on either the Atkins Diet or the Dukan Diet can testify to this. High sugar levels in the blood raised by sugars from carbs, fruit sugars or worst from alcohol cause much more damage.
    I would not worry if your protein is up as long as those proteins are coming mainly from poultry, fish, cottage cheese & eggs, rather from the higher saturated fat sources such as hard cheese & red meat. As long as you are also drinking plenty of water & also including fresh vegetables, some fruit & if you want wholegrains as well you will be fine.

    Actually I am a health professional & my research is up to date. The important thing to note is that I recommended the source of protein to be low fat and avoiding where possible Red meat & dairy.
    I also have to say that as someone who spends a great deal of time giving Palliative care to people at the end of their lives due to a habitual addiction to smoking that your comparison was particularly bad and in poor taste. I don't think that there is one redeeming feature to smoking, however a diet high in low fat protein has many including weight loss, lower blood pressure, stable blood sugar levels and although I don't expect you to believe me..lowered blood cholesterol.

    I would just counter this by saying I made these statements not based on "Urban Myths" But studies done in both nutrition and physiology. Just because you do something short term and it does not hurt you does not mean it will have the same effects in the long term. Would you say that just because one cigarette does not harm you that it is OK to smoke, even though studies have been done to prove that the cumulative effects of smoking can have adverse effects on lung function, heart disease and have been known to cause lung cancer? Do your research please
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Sorry to pick out something the previous poster wrote but it is another of those 'urban myths' too much protein will not harm your kidneys that is unless you are on 100% protein (which is surprisingly hard to do) & don't drink any water!!!
    The kidneys are amazing organs & normal healthy onescan happily deal with all the toxic waste created by the digestion of protein...anyone who has been long term on either the Atkins Diet or the Dukan Diet can testify to this. High sugar levels in the blood raised by sugars from carbs, fruit sugars or worst from alcohol cause much more damage.
    I would not worry if your protein is up as long as those proteins are coming mainly from poultry, fish, cottage cheese & eggs, rather from the higher saturated fat sources such as hard cheese & red meat. As long as you are also drinking plenty of water & also including fresh vegetables, some fruit & if you want wholegrains as well you will be fine.

    I would just counter this by saying I made these statements not based on "Urban Myths" But studies done in both nutrition and physiology. Just because you do something short term and it does not hurt you does not mean it will have the same effects in the long term. Would you say that just because one cigarette does not harm you that it is OK to smoke, even though studies have been done to prove that the cumulative effects of smoking can have adverse effects on lung function, heart disease and have been known to cause lung cancer? Do your research please

    Actually from what I've researched, the "first" poster is correct. Too much protien is an urban myth. However, that said, there is a reason why a diet should be balanced to ensure a proper combination of nutrients for the healthiest body possible. What that balance is varies from person to person based on their needs. Someone who wants to build muscle mass should eat more protien, someone who is going to do a long distance run should have more carbs, etc. There is never a black and white answer.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Actually I am a health professional & my research is up to date. The important thing to note is that I recommended the source of protein to be low fat and avoiding where possible Red meat & dairy.
    I also have to say that as someone who spends a great deal of time giving Palliative care to people at the end of their lives due to a habitual addiction to smoking that your comparison was particularly bad and in poor taste. I don't think that there is one redeeming feature to smoking, however a diet high in low fat protein has many including weight loss, lower blood pressure, stable blood sugar levels and although I don't expect you to believe me..lowered blood cholesterol.