
Skip The Soda For Better Heath [Jennifer Bradford-Epstein]

Gout develops when blood becomes saturated with uric acid, a byproduct found in many foods, especially red and organ meats. When uric acid precipitates out into the joints and crystallizes, intense pain develops. Historically, gout has been considered a man's disease, but more and more post-menopausal women are experiencing this debilitating disease. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has shown that the consumption of fructose-sweetened beverages dramatically exacerbates the risk o developing gout in women. It appears fructose independently triggers the body's production of uric acid, which, in women, is kept in check by female hormones until menopause.

According to researchers at Boston University School of Medicine, who gathered data from The Nurses' Health Study (1984-2006), women who regularly consume beverages with high fructose content have a 74 percent higher risk of developing gout, compared to females who drink them once a month or less. The risk was 2.4 times greater for those consuming at least two servings of sugar-laden sodas per day. Upping the consumption of sugary soft drinks to two or more servings a day appeared to have an even bigger effect. No link was found between gout risk and diet sodas.

((little soda info for @melinathinkspink))