Chinese Food for lunch

KevKidd Posts: 26 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Had a tough time today. Had a family commitment that we could not get out of, brother-in-law made Eagle Scout and the in-laws had a lunch reception afterwards. They had Chinese food brought in from a local supermarket. Would not have been my choice for lunch if it was me out and about. Wife and I did pretty good. For myself I eyeballed about half a cup of fried rice, 3/4 cup Chow Mein, 4-5 oz. Chicken from the teryaki chicken along with a bunch of Broccoli and carrots and sauted green beans with pork. Tried to avoid as much of the sauces as possible (Luckely we were one of the first to go through the line so it was possible to get the food off the top, and not the stuff swimming in the sauces) We did avoid the egg rolls, and the deep fried Orangs Beef. We have been doing very well for the two weeks wife and I have been calorie counting and working out, this was our first tough hurdle. We would be interested to hear how other's handle situations like this. Thanks!


  • scott24
    scott24 Posts: 132
    Sounds like you handled it well. You knew what pitfalls to avoid, were well-informed going in, and had will power. You are an inspiration! I wish I could have done that well.
  • nholloman
    nholloman Posts: 16 Member
    It sounds like you did a good job trying to eyeball things and stayed away from the egg rolls...maybe a light snack before you go next time may help :happy:
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I think you did great by eating what was there--but just watching your portions. That's a great strategy!

    I've been known to bring food to events like this even when it's not specifically advertised as a pot-luck (a crudite platter with hummus is a standby, and I also make some killer spring rolls that are great warm or cold) so that I can be SURE there is something I can eat. This strategy saved my butt at a recent new year's eve party where, if I hadn't brought something, my choices would have been four kinds of chips, then fried cheese, fried chicken wings, fried mushrooms, fried jalapenos. . . . )

    I've also been known to LIE flat out and say I ate something before I came. Then, after an appropriate period of being social, say my goodbye's and head home to eat for real.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    My plan for what will be a high calorie meal is a great workout that day and the day after....and good healthy low calorie eating for breakfast and lunch...
  • KevKidd
    KevKidd Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks! Good to hear how others handle things like this.
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