weekends mean trouble, how can i behave!?!?!

so for me, my weekends are the only days of the week where i dont workout, meaning i definitely need to watch what i eat since i didnt earn myself any extra calories, how did i do it today? chinese buffet, yeah, not a good way, BUT i stayed under my caloric intake! and since i have the day off tomorrow, i get to celebrate by going out tonight!! sadly im not drinking this month so it seems like many sprites or water will do the trick. i already know tomorrow will be a problem because i dont work nor workout tomorrow, any ideas on how to keep behaving myself!?!?!


  • Ladyrushell
    Wow! That's weird, for me weekends is best. I Am able to plan my meals better.

    I would just plan my meals and stick to the plan.
  • Jo_Bird
    Jo_Bird Posts: 38 Member
    Maybe you can tack on 2 thirty minute workouts to your mon-fri routines to account for the weekend. I give myself one cheat day, it's Sunday, no workout and I can eat what I have been craving but, it's all in moderation.