Cooking Challenge: Broccoli



  • Grenell1229
    Noodle-less Broccoli Alfredo

    1 lb chicken breast, boneless and skinless
    1 large onion, diced
    2 cups cream
    1 stick butter, unsalted
    1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
    32 oz frozen broccoli cuts
    1 Garlic powder to taste
    1 Salt to taste
    1 Pepper to taste


    1. Slice and simmer chicken breast in salted water until done through but still tender.

    2. Saute' diced onion with 1 spoonful of butter, add garlic salt to taste. (I just used a sliver of the butter stick)

    3. Slice butter and melt over low heat, then add cream, Parmesan cheese, a little salt and pepper and garlic powder to taste.

    4. Microwave broccoli cuts until tender, about 10-12 minutes.

    5. Combine onion, chicken, broccoli and cream sauce in a large serving dish.

    6. Add additional seasonings to taste and a little milk if needed to distribute the sauce evenly.

    I modified this recipe from, and took out the noodles! With the noodles it says that a 1/8th serving (Mine filled a 9x9 pie pan) is around 470 calories, and without the noodles I did the math and it would be around 210 calories. I was full after eating this, and it was so good I wanted more! I also cheated just a little and sprinkled just a teaspoon of parmesan cheese over the top of it!

    I'm sorry, there's no picture because my husband (who hates broccoli) and I ate it too fast! Don't worry, I have every intention on making this dish again!!
  • PattiPositive
    I make this often. I found the recipe on a while back. Added to my Recipe Box with stars. My Kids like it too.

    Serves Six
    roughly 62 calories a serving.


    2 heads broccoli, separated into florets
    2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

    Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
    In a large bowl, toss broccoli florets with the extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, pepper and garlic. Spread the broccoli out in an even layer on a baking sheet.
    Bake in the preheated oven until florets are tender enough to pierce the stems with a fork, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove and transfer to a serving platter. Squeeze lemon juice liberally over the broccoli before serving for a refreshing, tangy finish.
  • Madiann
    Madiann Posts: 177
    Bump. Love Broccoli
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172


    1 large onion, roughly chopped
    Olive oil
    1 large potato,peeled and cubed
    1 ltr vegetable stock
    1 head broccoli. about 300g, roughly chopped
    Blue cheese, such as Stilton or Roquefort, about 100g, crumbled


    1.Cook the onion in 1 tbsp olive oil in a large pan until soft (about 5 minutes). Add the potato and stock and simmer until the potato is tender (about 10 minutes).
    2.Add the broccoli and cook for 3-4 minutes until just tender but still bright green. Add half the cheese and whizz to a smooth soup in a blender. Season then serve with the rest of the cheese crumbled over.

    Per serving 227 kcalories, protein 11.8g, carbohydrate 16.1g, fat 13.3 g, saturated fat 6.1g, fibre 3.5g, salt 2.66 g

    Serves 4 as a starter
    Ready in 30 mins
  • Sparklewolfie
    Broccoli Stir-Fry


    This is an old photo because it looks prettier :tongue: I actually arranged it to look pretty!

    1 head Broccoli
    100g Mushroom
    Onion/Garlic etc. granules (or fresh if you want)
    250g Frozen Mixed Veggies
    100g Baby Corn

    Actually you can use any veggie ingredients you want!

    Calories Per Serving: 40
    Serves: 4
  • jmncolts
    Great post! Thanks!
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    Bump ! My fav veg
  • lisamt83
    lisamt83 Posts: 119
    Noodle-less Broccoli Alfredo

    1 lb chicken breast, boneless and skinless
    1 large onion, diced
    2 cups cream
    1 stick butter, unsalted
    1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
    32 oz frozen broccoli cuts
    1 Garlic powder to taste
    1 Salt to taste
    1 Pepper to taste


    1. Slice and simmer chicken breast in salted water until done through but still tender.

    2. Saute' diced onion with 1 spoonful of butter, add garlic salt to taste. (I just used a sliver of the butter stick)

    3. Slice butter and melt over low heat, then add cream, Parmesan cheese, a little salt and pepper and garlic powder to taste.

    4. Microwave broccoli cuts until tender, about 10-12 minutes.

    5. Combine onion, chicken, broccoli and cream sauce in a large serving dish.

    6. Add additional seasonings to taste and a little milk if needed to distribute the sauce evenly.

    I modified this recipe from, and took out the noodles! With the noodles it says that a 1/8th serving (Mine filled a 9x9 pie pan) is around 470 calories, and without the noodles I did the math and it would be around 210 calories. I was full after eating this, and it was so good I wanted more! I also cheated just a little and sprinkled just a teaspoon of parmesan cheese over the top of it!

    I'm sorry, there's no picture because my husband (who hates broccoli) and I ate it too fast! Don't worry, I have every intention on making this dish again!!

    Sounds YUMMY!!!!
  • skinnyminnie
    skinnyminnie Posts: 95 Member
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    NAME OF RECIPE: Broccoli Bisque
    INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 lbs of fresh broccoli
    3 1/2 cups veg. broth
    1 medium onion
    2 tbsp butter( or subsitute)
    1 tsp salt
    2 tsp curry powder
    dash of pepper
    2 tbs lime juice
    Optional Sour cream & Chives( I just quit dairy so I make this Dairy Free)
    DIRECTIONS: Combine Broc., broth, onion, butter, salt, curry
    , pepper in large saucepan, bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered for 8-12 min.
    Puree and stir in lime juice.
    CALORIES PER SERVING:126( with sour cream)
    OPINIONS ON HOW IT TASTED, ETC: I love it- Addicting and filling
    PICTURE (optional): No Pic- It is green. lol

    This sounds AMAZING!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Vegetable Pot Pie


    2 Pillsbury Pie Shells
    1 Can Cream of Celery Soup
    2 Baby Red Potatoes
    3 Carrots
    1 Large Head of Broccoli
    1 Zucchini
    1/4 Onion
    salt and pepper to taste


    Preheat oven to 375. Place 1st pie shell in pie pan and bake for about 10 minutes. Cut all of the vegetables into bite size pieces and steam.

    Place vegetables in large bowl and mix with cream of celery soup. If it seems too thick, add a splash of milk. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Pour vegetables into pie shell, place 2nd pie shell on top. Bake at 375 for 35-40 minutes.

    Serving size: 1/4 pie

    Calories: 577
    Carbs: 80
    Fat: 28
    Protein: 10

    This recipe can be modified with any vegetables or meats you like.


    Sounds delish!
    384.66 Caloriies if 1/6 of pie! ..... Can also lighten up soup and pie crusts, lower sodium.
  • jwd28
    jwd28 Posts: 765
    Vegetable Pot Pie


    2 Pillsbury Pie Shells
    1 Can Cream of Celery Soup
    2 Baby Red Potatoes
    3 Carrots
    1 Large Head of Broccoli
    1 Zucchini
    1/4 Onion
    salt and pepper to taste


    Preheat oven to 375. Place 1st pie shell in pie pan and bake for about 10 minutes. Cut all of the vegetables into bite size pieces and steam.

    Place vegetables in large bowl and mix with cream of celery soup. If it seems too thick, add a splash of milk. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Pour vegetables into pie shell, place 2nd pie shell on top. Bake at 375 for 35-40 minutes.

    Serving size: 1/4 pie

    Calories: 577
    Carbs: 80
    Fat: 28
    Protein: 10

    This recipe can be modified with any vegetables or meats you like.


    Sounds delish!
    384.66 Caloriies if 1/6 of pie! ..... Can also lighten up soup and pie crusts, lower sodium.

    So true! You can also make it with just a top crust to lower the calories and it is still yummy.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I can't wait to make this. I will be experimenting to make it a bit less fat in there add some chicken to it, but I love Pot Pies. Thanks for the post!
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member

    Many of these recipes are now on my meal plan for next week :) yummy!
  • Sparklewolfie
    Broccoli Stir-Fry


    This is an old photo because it looks prettier :tongue: I actually arranged it to look pretty!

    1 head Broccoli
    100g Mushroom
    Onion/Garlic etc. granules (or fresh if you want)
    250g Frozen Mixed Veggies
    100g Baby Corn

    Actually you can use any veggie ingredients you want!

    Calories Per Serving: 40
    Serves: 4

    I just realized I never gave the instructions for this :tongue:

    1) Heat water in a wok or big saucepan
    2) Throw in your veggies and mushrooms
    3) Cover and let everything steam/boil/cook until the water is evaporated/soaked up. If you added too much water, just uncover and it will evaporate
    4) Add some salt/pepper/garlic granules right before taking out
    5) Om Nom Nom
  • kay43026
    Steamed/Sauted Broccoli

    Steam broccoli until almost done

    Saute steamed broccoli in a little olive oil (flavored oil is good)
    Sprinkle with just a bit of sesame seeds

    Simple. Easy. Yummy
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I have never been a fan of the canned cream of anything soups. So this quickly became my favorite casserole. I introduced it to my in-laws when I was first married and they request it each holiday.

    Broccoli Cheese Casserole

    2 lbs frozen chopped broccoli florets
    1 stick butter
    1 1/2 sleeves of Ritz crackers, crushed
    1 1/2 - 2 cups cheddar cheese

    Melt the butter in a 9x13 pan. Crush the Ritz crackers into the pan and mix with the butter to coat. Lightly cover the crackers with cheese. Top with the broccolli. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the broccoli. Cook for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
  • mel_istheshit
    NAME OF RECIPE: Chicken with Broccoli

    6 oz chicken breast
    2 tbsp flour
    2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    2 cups broccoli florets
    1 cup chicken stock
    2 tbsp lite soy sauce
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

    Slice chicken very thin and toss with flour. Heat oil in large pan over medium high heat. Cook chicken until it is browned and almost cooked through. Mix chicken stock, soy sauce, garlic and red pepper flakes, set aside. Add broccoli to the pan. I usually let it cook this way for about a minute. Add stock mixture, bring to a simmer. Cover and cook until broccoli is tender, approx 3 minutes. Remove lid and allow sauce to reduce. Serve over brown rice.

    Nutrition Facts
    Serving Size 333 g

    Amount Per Serving
    Calories 332 Calories from Fat 156
    % Daily Value*
    Total Fat 17.3g 27%
    Saturated Fat 2.8g 14%
    Cholesterol 72mg 24%
    Sodium 1355mg 56%
    Total Carbohydrates 13.9g 5%
    Dietary Fiber 2.6g 11%
    Sugars 2.9g
    Protein 31.2g

    Vitamin A 15% • Vitamin C 132%
    Calcium 7% • Iron 11%

    Nutrition Grade B
    * Based on a 2000 calorie diet


    The key to this is to get the chicken sliced really thin. I use frozen chicken breast so I'll just move it to the fridge that morning and it's usually still slightly frozen when I make dinner. If you're using fresh chicken you can put it in the freezer for about a half hour to make it easier to slice. The flour helps make the chicken a little crispy and also thickens the sauce.

    This is so good! It's a staple in our house to kick the chinese takeout servings. I like to call it Chinese fake-out. If I'm really craving chinese I'll also make the crockpot lady's hot and sour soup to go with it:

    PICTURE (optional):
    Sorry no picture, but it looks like chicken with broccoli that you get at a chinese restaurant!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Arghhh.. I don't think I am going to have time to make my broccoli recipe this week. I'll try to fit something in tomorrow night, but I'll be making dinner for two and my boyfriend's tastes are wayyy different from mine. Makes things tricky. Either way, I'm not "entering" but I wanted to post the recipe I WOULD have made! I'll be trying it sometime in the near future :smile:

    Energizing & Spicy Broccoli Dal

    [comments in square brackets are mine]
    (comments in curved brackets are hers)

    1 cup red lentils, uncooked (masoor dal) [I might use green split peas instead]
    2/3 cup sweet onion, chopped finely
    1 tsp ground cumin
    2 tsp mustard seeds
    2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (or other light-tasting oil) [could use less]
    4.5 cups chopped fresh broccoli (shaved stems and florets)
    4.5 cups vegetable broth (I used low-sodium)
    Kosher salt, to taste (I used 1.5 tsp kosher salt, but if you use full sodium broth you might not need much salt at all) [I would leave out the salt entirely, but I always do so that's up to you!]
    2 cups almond milk, unsweetened/unflavoured (or milk of choice)
    2 tbsp fresh lemon juice + lemon wedges for garnish
    1 tsp red pepper flakes
    1 tsp + 1/4 tsp Garam Masala (I use Arvinda’s brand)
    1 tsp Tumeric
    Paprika, to garnish

    Directions: 1) In a medium sized pot, bring 4.5 cups of water to a boil and add vegetable bouillon cube. Stir until dissolved. Alternatively you can use already prepared bouillon.

    2) Add oil to a large saucepan over medium heat. Add in the uncooked lentils, chopped sweet onion, cumin, and mustard seeds. Cook on low-medium heat for about 6-9 minutes until the mixture begins to sizzle and the mustard seeds begin to pop a bit. Be careful not to burn this mixture and reduce heat if necessary. The lentils will have softened very slightly, but will remain quite firm.

    3) While this mixture is cooking, take your rinsed broccoli and peel a stem or two with a veggie peeler. Roughly chop the stem. Roughly chop the florets until you have about 4.5 cups of broccoli. Place the chopped stems and florets into a food processor and process until very fine.

    4) Now place the broccoli and vegetable bouillon into saucepan. Stir well. Add kosher salt to taste- start by adding just a small amount of salt. How much salt you need will depend on whether your vegetable broth was salted or not. I used low sodium broth so I needed about 1.5 tsp of kosher salt. Cover and cook this mixture on low for 20 minutes, checking it frequently and adding extra water if necessary.

    5) After about 20 minutes or so, add in the almond milk, lemon juice, turmeric, garam masala, red pepper flakes, and additional salt (to taste) if necessary. Cook on low for another 10 minutes. You can add a bit of water if it thins out too much. Adjust seasonings and serve immediately garnished with Paprika and lemon wedges. Makes 4-5 cups.

    Serves 4.

    Per serving:
    Calories 303
    Carbs 49
    Fat 6
    Protein 17
    Fiber 11
    Sodium 226

    ** My calculations included red lentils, only 1 tbsp of oil, low sodium chicken stock and NO added salt. High carb, for sure, but a balanced meal if served alongside some lean meat.

  • lisapisa1
    lisapisa1 Posts: 115