I need my soda



  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Ok, I'm going to be more blunt than usual here. I'll apologize ahead, please don't get offended by an opinion BUT, There is ZERO redeeming qualities to sugared soda, Diet sodas are not far behind. You can BS yourself about an addiction to fizzies, carmel color or whatever, but you are doing just that. The caffeine in the soda is the addiction. The headaches will stop in a day. when it comes to what may well be the most worthless product on the planet it's time to pull up our big kid pants and face facts. It's bad, loaded with empty calories, screws your teeth up and makes you fart. By the way ex-2-3 LITER/day habit. It's killing us.:mad:

    I like your blunt, and I totally agree with you! Question: did you mean to say makes your fart? or makes you fat? Or both?! lol :)
    Fart, definitely fart, but fat too. lol
  • YogiGirlLucy
    You can also get Zevia, a soda flavored with Stevia. It's available at a lot of health food stores and organic groceries. :)
    This sounds good, I'm going to check it out! Wonder if they carry it at Whole Foods?
  • littlelioness
    Oh my gosh...yeah I drink like the big bottles of diet coke within one or two days. I'm talking about the 2 liter ones for parties. Is it really that bad??
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    My reply, copied from a previous post re: soda:

    "I used to drink at least 3-4 sodas per day. When starting my new habits, I started limiting myself to one per day, and carrying a water bottle with me everywhere. I increased my water from zero to at least 40 oz per day. While I haven't kicked the soda habit entirely yet, I have come a LONG way. And I have found that I don't miss the soda I don't drink. I still want my one, for now, but I'm not craving it all day. And the decrease in sugar has had a HUGE impact in how I feel - I don't get crashes every few hours.

    One thing to mention - A lot of people are not aware that sugar and caffeine are not the only problems with soda. The carbonation in soda (or any drink) actually leeches calcium from the bones. Obviously, this is a problem especially for women. Which means that while a decrease in sugar is certainly good, switching to diet isn't a good solution long term.

    Try cutting it out slowly if you can't go cold turkey. Make a firm commitment to only have x-amount per day. And replace that with water. It's not easy, but sooooo worth it." - Me
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    One way to cut down on the soda is Italian soda. It's pretty much seltzer water with flavored syrup, and the nice thing is you get to choose how much syrup to put in it. There are also sugarfree syrups and it really helps you see what you are putting in your drink (similar to person who said to look at the amount of sugar that is in your soda). Another thing I do sometimes is to mix the seltzer water with juice. I like my bubbles too.

    For caffeine + bubbles, I like hi-ball which are sparkling energy water (they also have juice, but more calories) with only 10 Cal. They do it by not adding sugar and not replacing with sweetener. It's perfect for me I can't stand fake sweetener of any kind and I really don't need to taste sweetness for an energy drink (cut out sugar in my coffee too). If what you need is caffeine and bubbles, this might work for you. They are about $1.50-3 depending on if they are on sale. Oh and since there are no colors added, also will not stain teeth like coffee or Dr P. =)
  • AlliDoisWin81
    I need my soda too. I'm addicted especially those days when I'm craving something sweet. I'll just drink a diet something. It's either that or a greasy something else. Right?
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    All fizzy pop is evil! It's either loaded with sugar, or chemicals to sweeten it.

    But really, the problem is not the soda itself, but the addiction to it.

    Rather than switch from one brand to another, just cut back and eventually break the addiction.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I went cold turkey. its now been 14 months no soda pop for me! don't even miss it.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I only have a soda maybe twice a week and it HAS to be diet soda. I am not trying to drink my calories. I kno that even diet soda is horrible for weight loss but it is a better "bad" option than regular. You really should try to wean yourself off.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I was also a soda addict for that exact reason. I loved the carbonation even more than the taste. But I gave it up back in August of last year. I had coffee to fall back on so I didn't get the headaches (cut back on that, too).

    I have had it a couple of times since then and you know what? I don't like the carbonation anymore. It made my feel really bloated. Just poofed my tummy right out. I didn't enjoy that at all. And what I didn't burp out headed in the other direction.

    If you don't want to switch to anything else then maybe switch to a smaller glass and/or fill it up with ice - so you're drinking less.

    I have found I enjoy eating my calories a lot more than drinking them these days. More satisfaction.

    And the only difference between Dr. P and Sprite is the caffeine. They are both just as bad for the body.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    IF you have to have soda...swtich to Diet Soda. I was consuming an extra 700 calories a day in regular Mt Dew.

    I tried going cold turkey. I would make it two weeks before falling off the wagon and then dragged behind it.

    So, I switched to Diet Mt Dew, and I have one 12oz can a day. If I do everything else that makes me successful at losing weight, I lose. I don't have a lot of vices anymore so If Diet Mt Dew is bad for me....too bad. I'm keeping my one guilty pleasure.

    (....and lifting weights helps keep your bones dense)
  • earthy_lady
    Alright, so soda's bad mmmkay.

    Get on Dr. Ozs 30 day program off his website if you think you're really addicted and need the help.

    Sprite is not better for you than coke. Check the nutritional information.
    Diet coke, while it has no calories, is just as bad as regular coke but for different reasons.

    We all love the fizzies and sugary syrup. We all love crunchy doritos and savory chocolate too. But you have to make a choice. How much of your health are you willing to give up for that yummy flavor in your mouth? There's no short cut solution or easy way out. You should stop drinking soda. Do it slowly. Have an 8oz one as a treat now and again. But know that soda only harms your body. Your health and your body are some of your most important assets! Are you going to let a pesky soda get in the way of living your best life?
  • ktbug1186
    ktbug1186 Posts: 266
    Gotta bump to read all this later :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I quit sodas cold turkey about a month ago. I was drinking mostly diet coke and regular coke. I had migraines for about 3 days but treated it with ibprofen, but they went away. I feel SO much less bloated now, and I think quitting had a lot to do with losing my first 10 lbs. I am also sleeping much better now than I ever did on sodas. My suggestion is to make it a goal to quit any way you want to do it. Just tough it out and get off the sodas.