Davina twist board with resistance tube - any good?

i'm thinking about buying this. it's only a tenner, and says it'll provide a full body work out (just what i need)
it looks quite small, which is what i need because my room in uni is tiny.

just wondering if anyone out there has one, and if they'ree any good? i want to get into shape but simply cant afford a gym because my student loan just won't stretch that far.


(its on argos, if you want to have a look at it)


  • princess_f
    i havent tried but reviews are pretty good!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Depends on what you want to use it for and your expectations. If you are looking to substantially increase muscle strength or use it as a sole means of strength training, then the answer is "no". If you are looking to do some complimentary core work or include it as part of circuit training, then the answer is "maybe".

    The biggest problem with bands is setting and calibrating the correct resistance level. Also, the strength curve for a resistance band is the opposite of that for the muscle (e.g. muscles generate the most force at the beginning of the movement, bands provide the greatest amount of resistance at the end of the movement). So bands have their uses, but IMO are not best as a sole modality. Most people outgrow them very quickly.

    If you are doing absolutely no strength training, and your fitness level is low, then you might see some results from this device at the beginning. Your expectations, however, should be kept in line with the price--very low.
  • Emmea2729
    Emmea2729 Posts: 100 Member
    Depends on what you want to use it for and your expectations. If you are looking to substantially increase muscle strength or use it as a sole means of strength training, then the answer is "no". If you are looking to do some complimentary core work or include it as part of circuit training, then the answer is "maybe".

    The biggest problem with bands is setting and calibrating the correct resistance level. Also, the strength curve for a resistance band is the opposite of that for the muscle (e.g. muscles generate the most force at the beginning of the movement, bands provide the greatest amount of resistance at the end of the movement). So bands have their uses, but IMO are not best as a sole modality. Most people outgrow them very quickly.

    If you are doing absolutely no strength training, and your fitness level is low, then you might see some results from this device at the beginning. Your expectations, however, should be kept in line with the price--very low.

    i'm mainly after toning. i need to tone my arms and thighs, stomach i find easy to do.
    i struggle with my legs because i have arthritus and my joints are often really painful. and there isnt a swimming pool near where i'm living atm...