New and hoping this works

I have tried many diets and have failed no matter how much money or time i have spent on them. I am in great hopes that this helps I had a family member tell me about it and am willing to give it my all. If any one has an ideals or any help i am open to anything. Thanks and good luck to all of you as well!


  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    Log everything that you eat. Once you've logged for a week go back and click the reports tab and look at your progress. It always amazes me when I look at the various graphs. Also, try to get in 30 minutes of cardio 3 days a week. It really helps to burn those calories that might make you go over your limit and it gives you more energy to do things.

    I'll send you a friend invite. Good luck!
  • Hammock
    Hammock Posts: 37
    It will work if you MAKE it work. :smile: I have found this programme to work far better than any other I have ever done, and that includes my old stand-by, Weight Watchers. It does take a bit of time to track your calories, especially for the first week or so, but as you keep on, it gets a lot easier and many of your favourite foods are easy to bring up and click on for your daily food chart. The time you put into it, especially at the outset, will pay dividends. This is my third week and I am right on track. I really like the encouragement to exercise, too. And the helpful support of fellow members is simply fantastic! Good luck!
  • mommyfirst77
    I started this yesterday.... However, I have always been told if you actually write down and LOOK at what you are eating it will make a difference! The first thing I did yesterday was click on the food tab and go to the database. After I got there I began to type in various items I usually get (thinking it is healthier). I was LITERALLY shocked! I now know what I can and can not get! It really opened my eyes! I also have been looking at my friends food diary entries to get ideas on what I can and can not eat~ One last thing............. the swiss miss diet cocoa is 25 cal. per cup and REALLY a great "treat" at the end if the day! Add a handfull of marshmallows and it makes it about 50 calories! Hope it helps! Feel free to add me!
  • shannondecamp
    This is a great site. Opening your eyes to what you eat is an important step. It is really all about what you put into your body. I have 3 kids and it helps that you include them completely in what you do... and teach them all about nutrition as you are learning. Good luck!!
  • chamuel
    Yes so am I (new and hoping this works). I have done cambridge diet in the past, but have just had major surgery so cant do any cheating or my body wont heal. I think the idea of tracking everything that you eat is great - I have an iphone and have downloaded the free ap for it which is really helpful to be able to refer to.
    Earlier in the year I managed to lose 11lbs before my op, but over christmas, with eating and total inactivity I have put 10 back on - hey ho....
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i found this app playing around on my phone. this site is awesome and the people are very encouraging. yesterday i had a very bad day personally and diet wise, i had lots of encouragement and i didnt beat myself help. usually i would have. go ahead and add me as a friend. good luck to you and i think you will love this site.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I Have tried every diet, I have tried eating healthier and have lost weight and gained it back, With MFP I have lost more weight than I have ever lost , feel great , and am more knowledged on calories of food. As I look back I know what foods I will never eat again..... Good Luck
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    The biggest ordeal is to stay motivated. The moment you lose hope is the moment you may fail. Don't let yourself. That's what everyone here is for. Motivation and support. There are so many people here that are willing to help. Let them. All you have to do is post and ask. Log every bit of food and every drink you have throughout the day. It is best to have 3 small meals and 2 snacks with very little of your calories coming from beverages. Water is key. Orange Juice is great for the morning, but only like an 8 oz serving. I find buying the packs of Tropicana that are made for a lunch box very helpful.

    Just a little advice on what has worked for me so far. I have problems staying focused and lose energy quickly. Mostly due to my lethargic previous lifestyle. I have found that a women's multivitamin with energy (Such as Nature's Way-Alive- Women's) and two B-50 vitamins per day (one in the am and one mid afternoon) have helped me significantly. They are inexpensive and not only do they give you energy, but they help your metabolic rate as well. I will friend you and if you need any help or support let me know!
  • mjhartness
    mjhartness Posts: 43 Member
    Best of luck to you! I just started using this tool as well. I find the ease of using this site is extremely helpful. I just made a commitment to myself to sign in everyday, good or not so good. I'm looking forward to reading some of the blogs and forums. Have a great day.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ixannaq
    This is one of many diets / schemes I have started. I find that I get disheartened when no one notices the weight I have lost and give up. We started a weigh in at work until the old scales began giving crazy readings - one time I lost 10 ponds in two minutes (if only!!) I am hoping that having my calorie counter on my phone will help me keep track of everything I eat, carrying round books and pieces of paper never worked as I was always loosing or forgetting them. I don't really have a target but would just like to go out and buy clothes I want not those that fit.
  • Huskychemist
    Huskychemist Posts: 75 Member
    Good luck!

    I'll second a few things already said: Log EVERYTHING you eat. As you realize what is really high in Calories, you end up making changes in your diet almost without even thinking about it, just to achieve better results. I have found the log to be REALLY helpful.

    And my other piece of advice, which I give to myself occasionally: Just because you have a bad day or two doesn't mean you have to give up. I had a binge day on Friday, and I followed it with two awesome days on the weekend that included a lot of working out and a lot of eating right. So I'm right back on track. If you have a bad day where you revert to old habits, just consider it a chance to get right back into the game the next day and learn from it. Learn what set you off, so you can avoid it in the future. But regardless, don't give up after a bad day or two.

    You can make it! I've found the folks on MFP to be incredibly supportive.
  • akshaya
    akshaya Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost a total of 12lbs since I joined this site. It is very encouraging. Keeps me motivated to stay within my calorie intake needs. Before eating anything I always log on to check the calorie content and how it is going to affect my diet for that day. The most important thing while losing weight is to be disciplined and maintain consistency. If you stick to these you will see phenomenal results in a few weeks. Also try working out as much as possible. If you have desk job keep moving all day. And definitely invest in a great pedometer. Will help you keep focused with your workout goals. Hope this helps!
  • slg92088
    slg92088 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been on here for a week and I love it. I find it helps by making me aware of what I'm actually eating and it motiviates me to exericse, and I already lost some weight! Good luck!
  • kris628
    kris628 Posts: 15 Member
    I want the same thing to be able to go and buy something that will look good on me and not something that will cover all of me. And when i shop with my friends i want to be able to shop in the same section for clothes not have to go to the bigger sizes! I understand you completly and I will help keep you motivated if you would lilke. I know how it feels to loose weight and no one sees it so i just gave up! You can add me if you like. Best of luck to you and if ever you need to talk I'm here!
  • LivingFree
    I just started this month too. I am very impressed by the positive people, support and ease of use. It doesn't take long at all to log your food, plan your day or figure out if you really can fit in that snack ;) Stay with us! :)